Ya the theme to your life. I bet you my soul that you'll be wearing something with a weed sign on it. then you'll be one of THOSE people.
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
Ya the theme to your life. I bet you my soul that you'll be wearing something with a weed sign on it. then you'll be one of THOSE people.
1. Give me your soul.
2. You mean stoners? Yeh, I'm a stoner and damn proud : D
3. Give me your soul.
wooh...i think what happened to you is you WERE funny then you did weed and now your just like "LOL I DO WEED LOL LOL LOL I GO TO FUNNY SITES LOLOLOL"
to sum it up your a fag now
Also i hope you get arrested for possestion of drugs
but really your taking this I DO WEEEEED thing too far like really REALLY now just stop it not weed just the whole fucking I DO WEEED thing im really fucking annoyed
Oh come....You starting as well? There are people who are wurse...No?
Anyway....kk...I'm a bit exagerating...And it's not like I was ever funny...Come on man...
Also...if I ever WAS "funny", it was in the time when I was activly posting...Being the time when I smoked, as well. So it's just the view I got on weed recently. Not really me smoking...
Anyway...I don't really know you...So I might as well said "Your opinion isn't valid" but being the sane person I am...I kindly salute you and your opinions.
Even if they are con me...And not pro...
meh stick to harder drugs like lsd or heroin if you want my love.
ALLRIGHT THEN...See you in a week eh?
I'm sorry.
u fking nublet i pwn nubs like u 7 days a week
Sup nigra.
We should hang some time.
You sure don't look like a woman.
Oh, it's you, Simpson-Grooooove.
Fucking lol.
And yeh.
sweet profile but marijuana is a made up word by the government as a negative term. Actually the anti drug act of 1988 hace over 300 very fine print pages with laws that have nothing to do with drugs but everything to do with the irs and stealing our money privacy and eventualy our freedom. Executive order is what can be done and obama is using it to his advantege. viva revolution
Remember the good days, before you were gay?
Make a banner.
I was telling you how to get more greens.
You should do an LSD theme, or maybe an ecstasy theme.
Now where am i in the picture?
You could achieve more green by changing your flash submission icons?
Youre 18 now then heeeey
You're getting really annoying with this whole weed thing. I like cake but that doesn't mean i'm going to be drawing pictures of it and putting it in every discussion. Next time you talk about weed i'm talking about cake > :( this is getting ridiculous.
No it's not. It's a theme.
Get it?