
Soupcat @Soupcat

Age 34, Male

Antwerp - Belgium

Joined on 3/12/06

Exp Points:
9,566 / 9,990
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7.14 votes
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3y 6m 17d

Soupcat's News

Posted by Soupcat - June 10th, 2020

After 3 years of inactivity, I decided to break out the old animation gloves and make another little cartoon. Something small to get me back on the horse.

I hope you enjoy it, because comedy is our last stand against this tirade of insanity that is going on out there.

As is tradition, I will now promise to make more retarded cartoons and then never keep that promise.

Don't forget to vote 5!

For everyone who is wonder what I have been up to in the last 3 years. I found a job as a motion designer in an advertising company and have been working on my 3D animation skills. Going good so far. Not sure how I can incorporate that into a flash cartoon yet but a recent submission by Deadlycomics has inspired me! Amazing work there!


Posted by Soupcat - July 15th, 2018

...so I make news post now. Rather something dumb, than nothing at all...



Posted by Soupcat - June 4th, 2016

Oh hey its my second news post I'm making this year! Wow!

So as I mentioned last time I was lucky enough to get a job at a place that lets me use Adobe programs for their company which was super cool! Sadly enough they didn't know I have the power to bankrupt businesses and so I did.

I guess what I'm trying to say I've gotten my first real expierence as a graphic designer in a real work enviorment and I'm going to keep pursuing this career because I already muck around in these programs in my free time so it's time to get paid for it properly. Too bad I have to master After Effects and 3D now. Looks like I  have a lot to catch up on!

My website is getting some revamping so check that out one of these days. I should really post the demo reel here so I'll go do that now.


There. That's done.  

Now about the holiday! I went to Latvia for the third time, because my girlfriend started getting depressed from not seeing her family. And it was great, although a little short...

So we hitchiked from West Germany to Berlin, took the bus to Warsaw, Poland, and then kept hitchiking from there all the way to Riga, Latvia.

It was a great experience and only took about 3 days! We slept in tank stations and on the bus so it was very exhausting. Next time we're going to use Couch Surfing to make things a bit easier.

After all that we spent 8 days with her family and camped in this amazing natural reserve which has super serene scenery, but a lot of musquitos. My girlfriend was happy and I got see a very beautiful side of Europe. So win/win for everyone.

We then returned home the same way we came in; hitchiking and busses. Getting across the border into Belgium proved to be more difficult than I thought. Turns out Belgians aren't very friendly to hitchikers. We got picked up by a lively bunch of Iraqis which I found pretty ironic seeing they're not very liked by the Belgians. Because of immigration reasons I guess?

In the end I feel like I've grown as a person and feel that the challenge of finding a new job seems a little less scary this time!

Here are most of the pictures of the trip. Also here's a picture of what my google maps looks like now:      






Posted by Soupcat - March 29th, 2016

Just checking in how you guys are doing. I've been kind of busy seeing some idiots ended up hiring me for my art. Kind of cool to get paid to fuck around in Adobe programs.

Anyway I've been working on a new portfolio with a cool kick ass animation to go with it. It's not finished so I can't show you guys the whole thing. But you can let you take a look at a logo I've been working on for myself. It's almost finished. I'm just not sure what to do with the text.









Also, hey! It's been ten years since I signed up here! Lets go for another 10!

Thanks for all the good times guys. If it wasn't for Newgrounds I'd probably being going insane in an asylum somewhere. Now I can at least go crazy in the comfort of my own home.

I wish I had something heartfelt and  meaningfull prepared about 10 years Newgrounds, but I always put off posting here because I got nothing prepared or finished. Maybe I should stop doing that and just do whatever I feel like.

I have to admit that I do miss talking to you guys here. Growing up fucking sucks.


Posted by Soupcat - September 8th, 2014

PHEW man, the past few weeks have been hectic.

Two freelance gigs at the same time. Helping my mom move, which took 3 days because she has way too much stuff. Went to a concert. Taking care of 2 extra cats in my tiny studio (taking care of 3 cats is like taking care of a baby). Girlfriend starting her job and course.

This is more than I'm used to. Damn.

Anyway! For the people that read my comics, I'm sorry I haven't updated recentely but I uploaded two this time to make up for it. They're shaded this time, wooo!

I also updated my user icon and I really liked the outcome of it (yup, still purple!).

I'm also working on an animation, which I haven't had a lot of time for, but I picked it back up now seeing I got some free time again. I might make a little poster for it to give it a little teaser. SO LOOK FORWARD TO THAT SOON.

There was going to be more that I wanted to write here, but I didn't pre-write it like I ususally do. So it's just a little bit of blabbering. 

Take care and untill next update!

Posted by Soupcat - July 25th, 2014

I went to latvia again!

It's a really cool place and I had a nice holiday. The people are way nicer and way less bureaucratic than the belgians (with exception the exception of @tribal).
So check out the small comic I made about the trip. I should give it a disclaimer, seeing that /r/latvia got a bit insulted. This does not represent the country accuratly. It's just a joke.

ANYWAY I've updated my portfolio. It's mobile friendly, so check it out on your phones yo'. But don't be surprised if the mobile version doesn't actually work on a mobile device because I'm an idiot. It's temporary anyway, because there is like a lot I need to learn as an artist and a designer.

But yeah, I started getting some freelance jobs as a designer. It was pretty cool to find out that you could create art and get real money for it $$$$ #makeitrain

Lastly, I would like to thank all the people that commented on my previous animation. It was nice to see such positive feedback and that artistic integrity still gets appreciated around here.

There was this one guy on youtube who left this really cute and touching comment. What a nice dude.





Even this guy @AcidX reviewed it. Which was a big surprise, because in my day, he was one of those people I looked up to and aspired to be like.

All this was really motivating. The same goes for @Cyberdevil and @VicariousE . These are people with such dedication and passion for this website, it always catches me off guard.

Sooo....(here we go) if you guys like what you see, feel free to subscribe to me on  youtube, because I (mostly) post the same cartoons there. I also put doodles and works in progress on tumblr.
You can also friend me on facebook to see what I'm up to IRL, but I started getting bored and bothered by facebook more and more, so twitter is a safer place to interact with me and stuff (although, lately I've been getting drunk and started tweeting weird shit)

Thanks for reading and clicking links and there should be some regular stuff coming out soon enough.

Okay? Okay.

Posted by Soupcat - June 29th, 2014

Check out here on Newgrounds

Also, I'm in Latvia again so Im like super not responsive, but pls subscribe to my butt anyway

Posted by Soupcat - April 19th, 2014

R.I.P. in peaces Windows XP ;__; 7


Posted by Soupcat - December 24th, 2013

1515164_138788928333_naamloos.JPGSeems like a fair trade.

Posted by Soupcat - November 4th, 2013

I don't know if you've noticed but I've been posting like a comic or two each week in October. I was saving those up for when I was "busy" or whatever.

But now the internet and electricity broke so I haven't been able to draw a lot. Not in Flash anyway.
I've got one more comic that I might submit sometime this week.
But I dunno yo'

In other news, I don't know if people have been keeping tabs on me, but I've mentioned a while back that I was looking for a proper job, and I'm happy to announce that I might start in a call center at my local ISP in December.
Let's see if I can combine working and making animations.


Anyway, I just wanted to make a news post to get rid of the one complaining about the Art portal.

I'll leave you with a doodle I made in CSS3/HTML5 class: