Wha ? Is there a southpark movie ??
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
Wha ? Is there a southpark movie ??
Neih, that's just a myth.
I guess something must have made you snap in the past couple days. I guess for the most part, I have been pretty lucky with my parents. They set very low standard restrictions, if any, on me. The worst they'll ever do is tell me what time to come home from something, which is understandable. I think it's just that they can trust me.
For one, I've had my own computer in my room for years. Now it may not seem like much to you and me, but I know kids who are pretty much on surveillance at all times in their home. No privacy whatsoever. I have also been getting an allowance for some time, although not so much now that I'm getting a job. This is one thing that I think EVERY kid needs. Seriously, make your kid buy some shit of their own. It will make them spend a LOT less, trust me. Some spoiled brats around me have no concept of money and frankly, it is going to destroy them later on in life.
All in all, I think trusting your kids is the greatest parenting technique. I mean, if they can't trust you, why should you even respect them? I am no professional in this matter, but it just seems like common sense to not be a nazi about parenting.
I didn't really snap.
I just have my monthly SPASMES. [Find the subliminal message]
And yes, I agree with your wall of text I read but won't refer too.
Agreed, strictness is teh suck...
God, that was awful...
I will never use 'teh' ever again!
Why not? It are teh lulz.
And parents suck at raising their kids, too. Most kids today are little troublemakers, and nothing is done to shut them up.
I just smack my sister 'till she bleeds.
That usually works.
My mother gives her candy though, makes her teeth fall out.
I agree with you 100%! ^______^
Me too.