.....I applaud you for your "original" rant. But I hope you can find 'the one' for you. ;D
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
.....I applaud you for your "original" rant. But I hope you can find 'the one' for you. ;D
You mean Neo?
Hehe. Thanks for the applaus ^^
I wish I'd get more comments though :(
Yeah, you're right. Everything is starting to repeat. It's extremely rare nowadays to see an original, decent movie...or read a book that at least doesn't copy things from others...
Personally, I believe the world in part and total is falling apart.
Yeah, the Global Warming thread made me realize that a bit.
Posted in there somewhere saying that.
It's a bit too late....we fucked it up.
Nice rant dude, but you need to think about something. Originality is not something that in the old years was all around...
Originality has been, and always will be rare to find. Old movies... do you think they were original ? Same shit all the time, cowboy flicks about the same stuff, gone with the wind type of movies.
One original thought comes along, and everybody is doing it. It has been always that way.
Same with the fact that people say: "Oh god, the youth these days is so sexed up"
Well fuck me but the youth has ALWAYS been sexed up. In the old days, woman who spent weeks without their husbands started fucking animals, their sons, etc...
You think that your parents generation was less sexed up ? No way, they had more sex than you will ever get in your life.
That was just an analogy. The fact is, that with every new generation, or with every new wave of anything, people look back as if the older ones were better.
No sir, the new ones are better, far better.
Actually, look at all the originality we have right now in the area of healthy, technology, robotics, organ cloning, etc...
That fucking rules, 6 years ago nobody could have imagined such originality.
Movies... the problem with movies is, that Hollywood is a giant industry, so it`s popping out baby movies each day, so keeping it "original" it`s hard when you have to feed a family of... mmhmm let`s say 6 trillion people.
But trust me, the time taken to come up with an original idea, is actually less than in the old days... it`s just that so m any movies come up, that you seems lost in that sea of unoriginality.
Once again, don`t think like your parents, don`t believe that old equals better... or you will end up saying this horrible words:
"Oh god, todays youth is so extreme"
And that sir, means you are OLD. And get little to no sex from your wife, lover, etc...
Post something in my news threaaaaaaaad
You sir. Just deserved one hell of a comment from me.
You actually convinced me, I must add, I'm quite easly convinced. IF you come with good arguments.
And you, you gave the best arguments I could ever see.
I must say you are right. In the past, there wasn't much more originality then the present.
There is actually very little to say, besides "You are right"
Wonderfull. Marvelous. Extraordinary. I have found my supreme. My elderly.
Everything you stated, from the beastiality till the fact that thinking like your parents isn't the right thing to do, was convincing.
You changed my mentality as of today.
I thank you for opening my eyes.
(Okay, that's a bit much, but still...you've shown me a different perspective)
I can say no more.
I'm babbled out.
Then hold me baby... we are two against the world.
^^ <3.
Too bad you aren't as good looking as Sawke, otherwise I'd hit the sack immediatly.
Well, a good one night stand couldn't harm though.
But, where do I know this from....??????????...question mark.
Hm, I think it's more of an industry problem. The people behind the creation of movies are more concerned with making money than actually entertaining. And with years of this going on, the standards of entertainment will (and have) gone down. This is why films starring the same type of dumb characters continue to be accepted as "good" movies. Personally, I never go to the movies anymore. Everything out now falls under the same sub-par catagories. It's either a kid's 3-D animation story, a really boring and predictable horror movie, an action movie where things get blown up for no reason, a romantic comedy, or a comedy that caters to the humor of teenage males and is really, er, stupid. And then there's the occasional movie adaptation of a book, or even remakes of movies. Chances are, none of what's in theaters now is worth paying $10+ for. Bah humbug.
Modern humans are completly consumed by the subject of money, and nothing more.
Not caring about the consequences.
Oh, but I do enjoy a good trip to the movies. You have good ones, decent actors etc, and it's nice to go with some friends just to waste some time.
Comedy is a different category in my opinion. To tired to talk about that though.
My daily rant will be skipped for once, Sawke has exhausted me.
Damn her <3.
"I vistited ur user page lol now whut.
LOLOLOLOL 1111111!1111
Am I cool yet?"
Hehe. I love me.
I'll comment this for the hell of it
Yeah, I like spam too. ^^
How are your nuts by the way?
What happened to your "first five receive a comment rule?" o.O
Nothing changed.
11 people commented and the first five who commented got a comment back :D
Unless I forgot someone, it happens. I'll recheck ^ ^
Fair enough. :)
Hehe. Kay ^^
Check later today. New rant coming up ^^
I see what you mean. wonder woman comics are like taht, every issue she's tied up, somtimes there are rape/lesbian overtones.
...I don't read wonder women :(
how does one "go gay" easier to say than do...could you seriously have sex with a dude?
Really, just no.
(lolwhut ^^)
But - it's just a fanfic- it's - well! Of course it has - I... I told you already why I wrote it, just because I was bored and it's easy to use a setting that's already been thought of, but to try and just make it original and not just knocking of everything someone has already done before. OKAY? HUH? PUNK?
....wow, that euh...that was pretty messed up.
Yes, you've proven ur pointzorz. Indeed fanfic, I don't give a fuck.
I HATE ERAGON, WHY DID I EVEN SAW IT? I have the blurst of friends.