Oh god my eyes!
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
Oh god my eyes!
I liked and gave it a 5. My theories though:
1. Some vote just like on other days.
2. Some vote 0 on everything, even good flashes, to bring what they consider "justice".
3. "Your shitty site didn't give me they preloader." - people are likely tired of everyone bitching and moaning about the slightest faults about Newgrounds, I can imagine that some read the text and voted 0 just for that.
The ClockCrew organises this day on their own and they have to distribute the preloader, which they only did on their own site today and yesterday in one of the Newsposts by Tom, thus getting lost in that thread. Newgrounds only changes the background, since that is out of control for the ClockCrew.
Happy Clockday ^^
I wasn't complaining about newgrounds though. I guess I should've been more specific. I was referring to the clock website not giving me the preloader (signup issues). But I wanted to be funny and I guess that backfired.
But yeah, people vote 0 no matter the occasion. That's true. Thanks for the vote and your comment though! Always nice to hear what people think.
And a happy clockday to you too. Keep up with the great contribution to the site! Love your work!
If you want the freedom to vote, you're going to take a few knocks... gave yours a 4, awesome work indeed!
And yeah, I blammed a few things today, what of it? I watch before I vote, no need to trip.....
Mine too...
Clockday isnt what it used to be... :C