That was a cool story bro. Sounds like your experience in the commercial world goes similar to mine! Don't let it put you down, just gotta find that job that lets you express yourself properly and be appreciated fully. Also be thankful you didn't have to crash you car, get in a ton of debt and break you leg :p had to leave mine too but onto bigger better things, always. I'd have been gone anyway. They wanted me to be a developer and that's not the job I signed up for.
Just use this time wisely. Above all, develop your drawing skills as that's fundamental and what you enjoy doing. The more you're able to think in 3D, the easier learning those two programs will be. Also progressing in drawing will bring more happiness than constantly being reminded you can't use these new programs very efficiently yet. Stick at it. Great tutorials available. So many that it's overwhelming. Remember, you can model in other 3D programs and import it too.
As for the trip, looked awesome. It's well weird how Burger King is marked on that map near Dortmund. Did you do that on purpose? I saw the pics as you put them on. You're looking very European as you age :P also the food on the mainland is soooo much better and healthier than the shit we get here. The Lithuania part looked real nice, never really seen much of there. Also someone I know was in Poland at the same time (he's still there now), travelling around in his van. Weird to think you may have even crossed paths at some point! Glad you all had fun. Keep busy. Stay crazy.
Heh. You're like me, broke still indulge oneself in stuff that costs
Hitchhiking is free so the only cost was food and drinks!