Okay fucktards. I'm fucking sick of these wannabe philosophic questions.
The one that started this is:
"What came first? The chicken, or the egg?"
Fuck that people.
Let me tell you something, philosophy has basic rules. I don't know them, but I can make some up.
Philosophic questions shouldn't have the most obvious anwsers. In this case (let me just straighten it out for all you shitcocks).
The chicken came to existence because of evolution.
Now okay, I get there is a whole background behind that question. But my entire life I had to hear the same phrase over and over again.
"But to have a chicken, you need an egg" and that's usually where the paradox came in. They just repeated that. Nothing more, nothing less.
The actual concept of that question is to solve the question of life.
Now here we have true philosophy. The meaning of life.
But off course wannabe philosophers take this the wrong way and ramble on about it for hours and thinkin they're philosophying (I'm misspelling that, aren't I? And I'm using that word too much, no?)
Anyway, the true meaning of this, is the paradox you create when you are looking for the "thing" which created life.
Because, the most common thing you think of, is that everything has a beginning. So, the creator of life must have had a beginning as well, but what created that beginning, and so fort.
Now here is where te religion comes in, in my opnion. I do support the Big Bang theory, but still, our brains aren't capable of understanding everything in this universe. So (I'm repeating myself here a bit) give spirituality a chance.
Then another thing.
By having sex with that girl a couple of days ago, I was reminded of how it was like to love and be loved.
This was a bit tortuous. That image kept haunting my mind, and made me feel a bit bad about myself.
Makes me feel alone sometimes, but off course, I have good ol' NG to cheer me up :D(and our deerly beloved Sawke).
But off course there are always things from our society which reminds me of it(movies is a nice example). These one night stands things aren't really that healthy. I rather have a person who I can go everyday to, who I can call and know she'd be happy to hear my voice.
Oh well, I guess I just have to wait.
Thanks people, peace out and First five to comment get a comment back from me. (Not you GayForFags)
lol i think the chicken and the egg IS a philosophical question.Just because it isn't deep doesn't mean it isn't philosophical.I think the real meaning behind it is ,that there is no beginning to a circle,and that a cycle always continues,therefore life is a continuous cycle.Maybe not one life but all life combined.
Yes, I know. That's what I stated a few lines below it being a fucked up fuck.
I was just complaining about fucks who fuck the question up, and don't think about it, like a real fucktard should.
Fucking cunts.