I had quite a sensation just now.
So, it was my mothers birthday, and off course I boozed.
For some reason I had really crazy ideas for topics, replies and news posts (when I came home that was, at the party everything was swell).
I even thought about how bad beer was and etcetera.
Man this was a fucked up feeling.
I'm not going to write about specific thoughts I had, because when you're drunk, you can't go into details much without making no sense at all. It's mentally impossible.
And I forget everything now, I really hoped I'd remember everything but I seriously lost it. I was thinking the whole time 'Man, I wish I will remember this in the morning" ... turns out I couldn't even make it till 3 AM.
Sucks. So now I'm without insperation, without ideas, and without motivation, but I promised myself, and you, that I'd make a news post everyday.
Fucking hell, what the fuck am I saying? Okay, the only moral I can remember is, wine = big nono.
Normaly I can drink like, 10-15 beers and be a bit loaded without any side affects (hangovers, head aches loosing balance etc...well the last one I do tend to loose when high....that's fucking hilarious)
But, tonight I drunk like, 7 beers combined with glasses of wine (don't know how much....I lost count after 3...I was bored) and I got home...sat myself in the couch and turned on the TV. After a while my head begins to hurt, and then it begins to hurt like hell. I got a head ache, man that was fucking annoying.
And the worst part is, I was babysitting my sister. Jezus fucking fuck.
Oh well it's over now, so that's okay. (I bet it had to do with the fact that I didn't eat anything besides a bowl of soup, and sum breadz).
Meh, it's all over now, let m ehit the sac and see what I wrote in the moring and thinkg "What happened to my grammar? :O"
I tend to do stuff to check if I get better in something while drunk/high. Man, I did some things I aren't proud of.
Peace out ya'll. Lova ya.
(wait whut?)
Moral is: bring a video camera to parties to tape happenings, even if it is just your own slobbering, drunken babble. =P
I bet my cousin posted a video of me tonight on YouTube or something.
She's always trying to be "trendy" and "down with our stuff"
I hate her.
And I don't wanna know what I did last night...I remember, but I prefer not too.