
Soupcat @Soupcat

Age 34, Male

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Posted by Soupcat - August 12th, 2007

"Don't believe me, listen to me. Don't believe yourself, listen to yourself. Don't believe anyone. Listen to them."

Everyone sees the world with their own ideas, with their own truth about it. We all have different thoughts about the world, because of our own experience.
You need to listen to their ideas, and take the things out of there which are important, and usefull for you.

Because of our own perspectives of the world, we need to be realistic about opinions. We need to control our minds, we need to tame it. Your mind is a wild horse, and if you don't tame it, the horse takes you to where he wants to go.
If you are able to control it, you will lead a happy life, a life which you chose.
Only then can you find inner peace.

"It's not the goal that counts, but the road you walk on."

Why does everyone follows this rat race? Why? "Oh I need to be succesfull, I need to be rich" No. This is not good.
It seems today that everyone only cares about the goal you achieve. It doesn't matter how you get there, or what you need to do for it, if gain experience out of it or not, they just want to get there.
But, then I say, it's the road you walk on, the experience you gain during that time while getting to that goal which is vital.
Only then can you actually be happy, and at peace when you achive your goal.
People who just accomplish something but do not care if they learned something or not, will always ask for more. They select a goal, may it be money or career, it doesn't matter. Once they get to that status, they just want more, or just want to be higher. But the thing is, there is no ultimate status.
You can't be the richest, or you can't be the best in something.
Doesn't matter how good you are, there will always be a million people better then you. Therefor, be happy with what you achieve or have. Because if you are, your life wil lbe fuller, and richer then anybody else who keep trying to get somewhere.
This doesn't mean you should stop giving yourself goals, no this means, have a goal, but be happy about what you have now.
The luggage you got from achieving this goal mentaly (By learning of your mistakes, or got to know a certain way of life) will make you far more happier then people who keep thinking they aren't happy with what they have, or think others can do it better etc.

Everything you do in your life has an outcome, has an effect and this is something which you need to think about when making certain choices. Don't be fooled by religion. They seem to feed you with the idea that a certain god intends things these way, and has a magic finger and will make your life like heaven if you follow simple things. No, nothing comes on it's own. You can rely on it for it's hope, but everything needs action. Prairs won't make you rich. Prairs won't give your job back. No it's the things you do which matters.
Sure, they seem promising, and you tend to be fooled by it because f certain events who look like an act of a higher being. But still everything which happens in your life, is because of certain things you or a third party provoced.
Your boss didn't get a snap at a certain moment to fire you because god thinks he should. No because the business is losing money, and they need to fire people.
Or because you didn't do your job right. Don't blame a god for everything bad happens in your life, and then say to yourself you did a good job because very good things happen in your life. This is just sliding down your responsibility.

"The moment you ask yourself if you're happy, you're not."

Your current situation is just a reflection of acts you did in the past, so to have a better future. You need to act now.
You are living now, and not in another time zone. Sure you can plan things, what you're need to buy at the grocery, what you're going to do today, planning a trip or use the past to learn from their mistakes.
But at certain moments, you need to stop, and remember yourself, you're living now.
People who forget the present, forget who they are. People who don't know who they are, will get miserable. But the knowledge isn't per se a key to happyness, it's the understanding of this knowledge, and the wisdom you have which make you enlightend.
Take this for an exampe; Your mother always tells you that honesty is the best policy, you go "yeah mom, sure"
But it's not because you know this, that you understand it. You accept it, but you don't know why. This leaves frustration in the long run. So, therefor you need to examine things you learn, you need to accept certain things which are, according to you, immoral, and understand it. Only then you will be in peace with yourself, your decisions, and your life.


(I have little comment about this, nor do I wish to add anything. I prefer the reader letting this sink in and think about it. I must say, for copyright reasons, quoted parts and examples aren't mine. This is litterly taken out of a script. Everything else is based on referred script, and somewhat placed in my own words. Trying to make it more understandable. First five to comment, get a comment back, and I still take requests)


Hmm nice, but it took me like 10 min to read it.
In a way ur right but the road that people take isn't that easy, thats why people don't get to there goal and are unhapy. And people who want more aren't that bad cause i mean when u get to ur goal and aren't happy thats means u need to go further with life and try to get an other goal


There really isn't a blame to give why people are unhappy. It only matters how you stand in the world, and how you percept things, if you can aknoweldge why bad things happen, and why life isn't easy. Then you are happy.
Being unhappy because of this, or because of that, is shallowness and taking things for granted.

You're always on the way to somewhere untill you die.

I think I explained the matters good enough, maybe you didn't understand it well enough? :/

Je ne sais pas mon ami, re-read it maybe ;)
Let it sink in ;)

I didn't much care for the first two, but the third was pretty neat. You should be constantly doing things in life that later on, you could look back and say that your time was well spent. Being happy in general should not be a chore, but an individual measurement of how much one is enjoying life.
Oh, and nice avatar. =P


You my man, have read it, and understood the way it should be ^^
I seriously hope I made a change here in your (or maybe someone else's) life. I actually got this from a movie, and the point of the movie was to actually open someones eyes.

I'm just helping to spread the message.

Live by this please, I know I am, and my mother is proof that it works.

Yeah, I like cocks too. =p


Waar hebt gij zo goed engels geleerd ?



Well, ja, ergens well, dit is zo mijn 14e blog, en na een tijdje leer je wel deftig schrijve, ook nog al die grammar-nazis op het forum.
Nu is het puur spellings foute die ik maak, maar van woorde die ik niet veel gebruik.
Maar daar heb ik nu mijn persoonlijke woordenboek voor (een maat van mij) ;)

Maar, grotendeels is dit van de film die ik gistere zag. Wel, alles, gewoon wat in men eigen woorde gezet enzo he.
Dus daarom dat he zo moeilijk lijkt ofzo, kweetniet :p
Ik heb gewoon een taalgevoel, men vader is een Zuid Afrikaan en spreekt engels als moedertaal (kan zelfs geen nederlands :p
En ja, ik heb er de eerste twee jaar van mijn leve bij gewoond, daar in Zuid Afrika, dus dan leer je wel wat engels ook ^^


Great.. my eyes are bleeding now... XD
But still great stuff

Haha, I'll try to make it a bit more readable next time ;)

Indeed, I was amazed by it myself. ^^