So, I got a request about love by our famous ChaiLatte.
Subject: Love.
So I started thinking, what is love, and how important is it in our modern society.
Love, is actually just a switch we make in our brain which can be resembled with "Lust". It's a state of mind to inhance reproduction.
When having sex with a person you "love", chemicals are being produced which are addictive. More addictive then cocaine. This makes us crave for our partner when not around. This is the truth behind love.
But this can go much further.
These days love is more a negative issue then a positive one. So many people are getting stood up, cheated on and lied to.
Why is this? How come that people are afraid to commit themselves to a person?
I never believed in blaming anything, but I still stand by the fact the the media has a big role in all the negativity, because of their big influence on humanity.
My personal view of it goes a little like this: Love is a chemistry, two different substanses are getting mixed when love comes into your life. You, and a person who you wish to be your partner. Who you are attracted to. But chemistry can be very dangerous, take an example of a bad relationship, then you have two substances who provoce explosions when mixed. Or a relation where everything is a utopia; Two substances who create a marvelous blend. Some sort of margarita.
But off course we have different kind of loves. The one I've been discussing so far, is the one where you are in love with a person. Sexual attractions.
But then we have the other kind of love. The one where you care about some. When you think that that person plays a vital role in your life, and it would be hard to imagine a life without that person.
That's called, loving someone.
Now I don't how this works scientifically, but I can take a guess.
(Off course, rationalizing everything isn't a very intelligent habit. But to understand certain aspects, this is a must.
Human kind is very instable, we are a race which can be whiped out easly, so to be sure our kind exists, we need to look out for each other. This situation was the same since the dawn of man kind.
So therefor we developed a certain emotion, an emotion which makes us do things we normally wouldn't do. An emotion which stimulates the adrenaline, and takes away your moral boundries and makes you forget every rule you've been tought.
The emotion love ^^
Therefor we can conlude that this "loving someone" is all just an ancient event which occurs to make sure our kind survives.
But why is it so intense then?
Maybe because we are at the end of our existence?
Maybe because we've become more intelligent and aware of our environment?
I don't know.
All I know is that I love my sister, and that I would do anything for her if she was in trouble.
This is the only thing I know about true love.
All the rest is pure shallowness and the lust for sex. In other words: Hormones.
And I doubt that any of you 16 year olds (or surrounding) know more about it.
We're all just realizing how we can have sexual intercourse in a somwhat decent way, and I don't think that the media has done anything positive to make those experiences more pleasant.
The stress these days we have about sex is really unnecessary.
Boys pushing it, girls being not ready for it.
Think about it women, you're having your period, you're getting boobs and your hips are're honestly not going to fool me by telling me you're not ready.
Boys, be a bit compasionate. Girls are having troubles neough with their appearance (media again). They are scared and insecure, give them a rest will you?
The moment all the guys will stop being so pushy about it, the sex will come much more easly. Trust me.
Now, how come we can be so depressed, fucked up and hurt about being dumped?
When a druggie suddenly hears his daily load has been canceled because the cops had a razzia and confiscated everything, how will he react? First he'll flip out. Then he won't know what to do, and after not too long he'll search for another connection.
This is what we do. Well, what we do if the relationship we where in was purly based on the lust part.
The sex that is. We'll search for another partner.
But what if that same druggie found out that his dearly beloved drugs is of the market? And can never be found again?
Well, I don't know, you tell me, I aint a druggie.
All I know for the love part about it, is that it's damn hard to get over it. This is the more intenser love we have. That feeling of being loved, and to love that suddenly dissapears isn't very easly replaced.
All I know is, love hurts. And you can't hurry it.
If you have it, be happy, if you don't. Don't get depressed about it.
For ChaiLatte.
Ow, and how was Clockday everyone? I had a fucking blast! First time I participated and submitted something! ^^
First post.
First reply.