
Soupcat @Soupcat

Age 34, Male

Antwerp - Belgium

Joined on 3/12/06

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Posted by Soupcat - September 18th, 2007

I'm seriously tired of people who complain about everything, seriously.
Yes, I could go the hypocritical way here again, but I'm not talking about the people who make intelligent, nicely filled, good of content, rants.

No, the people who have something to say about everything. Every-fucking-thing.
If it lives, it needs to be complained about, if it has a fucking shadow, "Oh for fucks sake, it has a shadow! Lets complain about its shadow!"

It's like emos. Constantly nagging "I'm sick, I've got a bad hair day" AAARGH, STOP IT!
Or my mother "You always have to complain about everything, can't you just shut the fuck up and let me eat in peace" While having a complete day of solomness, and having to deal without me.
This dude in my class has to complain about every assignment we get. UGH.

People with a general negative attidute, attract negativity. People who are generally negative, PISS ME OFF.
I'm always the enthousiastic, cheerfull, funny, smiling guy. AND I'M HAPPY.
And no, my caps lock button isn't broken, STOP COMPLAINING.
Everything I do around here in the house, gets a remark, obviously [being the smart ass teenager I am] I contra-remark, leaving me with a pissed off mother.

Then, ego.

My years of being humiliated, insulted, and burned made a nice guy out of me.
It made me a charming young man, with a big smile. Why? Because my ego was so low, I had no options.
The past year has giving me an ego boost which resulted in making a dick out of me.
I don't like being a dick. I like laughing, but...for some reason Iaugh with everything which has a shadow.... :/
It's really not fun anymore, I don't get it, why do I contintue this?
Is this some form of defense mechanisme? Is it a form of humor? I dunno.....
I'm going to be the nice charming guy as I used to be, I'll shut someones face when they piss me off, or when they're trying to insult me, but no more random insults.
It is bad karma.
Don't get your ego boosted, be the loser, and you'l lbe nice.

And last but not least, immaturity.

Fucking hell, I know life. I know the drills, I'm fucking smart as hell. I don't need some pissed of teenager with a bad hair day, and a too big ego to tell me I'm immature.
Fuck no.

Look, here's the deal. I'm mature when I need to. For the rest, I enjoy life, enjoy my youth, and get a good lulz out of it.
Being a sinical fucktard, with nothing better to do then having a sour face and think everything is too immature isn't living okay?
Life's a joke, and then you die.
First, read a book, then, watch South Park and actually think about it, and not how Cartman farted, THEN call me immature.
For holy fucking fucks, when I act mature and get my knowledge out, trying to have a decent conversation, people still complain? What the fuck is happening here?
*Smashes keyboard out of frustration*

Fuck off.
All of you fucktards whoems ego is too big, have to complaing about the littelst shit, or who think everything and everyone is immature except thereselfs.
Go fuck a pig.


I know you are comaplaining about people complaining and I know you stated you might be a hypocrite but even if you complain about people complaining there still going to complain about other people complaining.

See the chain effect is has, everyone has to stop complaining about everything, even complaining.

Ugh I said complaining to much

lol yeah.

You're right, but because of this, my complaining will stop from my side ^^

<3 for your clever remark. ^^

Shut the hell up and do something good for the world, like dieing in a fire.

Sweet, people are making alts for me now.

I'm fucking honord, MY NAME IS GETTING SPREAD!

Post a bit, will ya?

I think most of the things in the world that are wrong are due to an unbalance in our conscious, like an unfulfilled need somewhere deep within us, and I think this is because our world has changed faster than we're able to adapt to it. The world is full and people are losing all their ambitions because everything has already been done before, and people get less out of doing extraordinary things. I think the main reason for people complaining so much is because we've lost the place in the world to eliminate our anger and frustration. When there used to be war and revolutions and fighting to be done everywhere, now everyone wants peace and tranquility, but now we have too much peace, people are starting to give up because we're too content with our world, which leads us back to complaining.

okay this is a really long comment sorry.

I guess my point is we have to find that sweet spot in between war and peace.
(sorry about that long random tangent)

Hm, I'd have to disagree with you on the fact that our world is at peace.
It's really the fact that we're evolving so fast, which you stated.

Our world is never at peace, but you did point out some awesome facts, AND you showed me how to spell conscious. Awesome.

Anyway, people are borded because, indeed, everything has been done.
And in my opinion, the war is just another cause to complain about.

Fucking activists. =p

this depresses me


lol im in agreeance with you i want an emo puching bag that complaines when you hit it then after a while it cries and mascara runs down it!! : )

We all hate emos.

Even the emos hate emos.

I h8 emos 2 but i h8 the people that h8 and the people that h8 emos that h8 that people, so i pretty much h8 myself and also u gfg ur such a MONKEY!
And stop smoking the wacky tabaccy!
Oooo i love you!


Thats ur freaking respond! U aren't realy smart aren't ya boy.
Go monkey somewhere else monkeyboy and stay of the weewee.
I know where a ya live. So becarefull otherwise i put that weewee up your @$§

Im' gonna ban your sorry ass, you know that?

lol, I said ass.

Yay :D!

Your gay

For every complaint someone makes they should get bitch slapped in the face.

Those idiots don't understand, now do they? Anyone could critisize someone else, but can they look into a mirror? And see what they really are? No, because they're ignorant. They haven't seen something in their whole life, yet they hate it. What the hell?

I critisize myself, I know my flaws, my talents...something. But those morons only see their "good stuff", and think they're prefect. But they're not. They try to deny this fact and only prove theirselfs wrong. Atleast someone (Gayforgirls) knows that this ain't right...something's wrong.

By the way GFG, I didn't read the whole post, only like half of it.

failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag failfag

Man u suck gayforgirlsisafag get a live!

ouu you'll hate me then...i'm very cynical.I'm not depressed or angry....I'm actually really happy.I'm just the type to over think consequences. For example i consider the bad sides to people important more than the good sides in friendship.I feel that thinking about their bad qualities can help me determine if i should associate with them.Just because i'm cynical doesn't mean i'm not optimistic...i just tend to look at things in a very "cold hard truth" way.

yeah gayforfags is right, get a life newfag, and gtfo my internets. :D

Yay I made a clever remark ^_^

to bad GayForFags keeps posting, I wish I had a person to make a account making fun of me XD

NOT GAYFORFAGS its gayforgirlsisafag is a difrence u know

INDEED! mister wacky tabbacky

I'm complaining right now.

and yur still a little bitch that likes to suck on yur mom's cock :) fucking failfag

What am i ?? also a failfag ??

lol, no.

Hi there, long time no see. How are you doing? :)

I see you´re still making these random rants, that´s nice. And you even got a few alt accounts made against ya hehe :p

I kinda agree with you here, but I also agree with what M-to-the-C said earlier. We should just stop complaining about all the complaints.