
Soupcat @Soupcat

Age 34, Male

Antwerp - Belgium

Joined on 3/12/06

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Insert intresting title here.

Posted by Soupcat - July 19th, 2007

So here I am, my first blog thingy. I hope I make something intresting out of this, and something wich will lure comments.

I'm going to start with who I am, what I do, and what my place is in the world.
My name in the real world is Damien. I'm a 16 year old kid who just finished his first year of photograpy, and am heading towards three more years.
I'm not a typical nerd. I'm skinny, very skinny, no glasses, etc.
I even play sports, and am able to talk to girls.
My place in the world isn't very major, but I doubt there is anyone here on this website, who has a major role in our society. I go to school, and do the dishes, that's it. That's my contribute to society.
Fun, huh.
I live with my 2 year old sister and very, very old mother. So very...old.
(45 is old right?)

Anyway, that was my introduction, nothing big. Very basic. It went quiet good, no?
Lets continue.

I'm going to make this a daily rant. Like a maddox web page of my own.
Or a philosophic blog of the day. Something along those lines. Something intelligent, this aint MySpace people.

The first thing that's on my mind, is a line I read latly.
Well, replace line by "four-page-essay."
It started like this:
(Written in my own words. Can't recall it exactly)

"The moment a monkey smashed a fellow monkey's head, man was born"

And then an entire block of text revolving around man, and the distruction of it's own race without realising it. Better yet: denying it.
Our ignorance, our lust for power and you can go on for four pages.
That's basicly what it said, and I fully agreed, word per word.

I could just copy the entire text, but that wouldn't really be very intresting. Neither for me, or for anyone stupid enough too actually read this. How the fuck did you last it out this far?! Seriously, do you have some sort of brain damage?
Do you, the reader, agree or disagree with the destruction of mankind? + arguments please.

Anyway. I discovered something recently. I have the unique talent for babbeling about one topic without actually going anywhere.
Just rephrasing, and thinking about examples the entire time. I can go on for hours about the fact I can go on for hours about one topic.
I'm a real nag actually, and I don't make much sense.
Well, most people don't. So I'm glad I aint unique.
I couldn't handle the discrimination.

Something else now.
I take them, you take them, everyone takes them you fucking junkies.
I smoke. I smoke weed, or what ever the fuck you demicrats wanna call it.
And, most people here(or anywhere) dare to state, that it makes you think deep about shit. You know, actually philosophy about stuff.
I don't get that. I just close up, I shut my mouth, and sit there. I respond, yes. But not with deep thoughts.
Okay, I've seen many ramble on about something (and actually go somewhere), when high-stoned.
What confuses me the most, is that users like earthfetish, bonusstage OR WHAT EVER, seem, or tell that they are under influence, and made an epic, deep post.
Dudes and dudettes, when I'm high/drunk. I can't even fucking piss straight, how the fuck would I be able to write with a decent grammar and spelling?
I ask you this, and expect no awnser.

Good day,
And I'll see you tomorrow, with more mind breaking crap.

FUCK YOU ALL, I'm tired.


45 isn't old. My dad was 45 when he had me...I'm 18 now.

Wow, you're old.

You also wear slip slops?

I came.

I didn't. :(

....(I did shit my pants....does that count?)......

Man does have a history of destroying its own kind... But another argument that's somewhat related is the recent "concern" with the Earth being destroyed by humans... People don't want to save the Earth, they just want to save the thing they happen to be living on in order to further their own survival. The Earth isn't alive, it just has things living on it. It's just another rock in space, harvesting the most irregular and illogical species yet: man.

I see what you mean thar.
But I don't buy it, I seriously don't believe that our top leaders have any concerns what so ever with this big rock and its natural recources, ecology and everything else.
I believe Earth is pretty much alive, I prefer "Mother Nature" to be more specific.

We are a virus wich is spreading and growing, we believe we're superior, but we aren't.
Mother Nature is doing the best it can too whipe us out, and she will succeed.
We are part of a nature wich we are destroying ourselves.
Vast lands of woods are destroyed, animals lying dead in the savannhas, every piece of land fouled by industry.

I call it, the apocolyps my beautifull girl.

Right about here I'm going quiet spiritual, I personally don't rely on all it's awnsers, but I believe in the hope it brings, and that it helps in time of need. And that is all.
As stated by the person who thought of all this theory (well, just published something wich I happened to have read) Wolf Kussé (look it up, maybe you'll find something intresting).
"As soon as other apes tasted a little bit of the forbidden fruit called "Power" a conflict occurd, and religion needed to be created.
A devine creature, all powerfull, and everywhere to keep an eye on you.
God. God is an excuse for 1 human being to be in full control."

Human kind can not live in chaos, or so they believe.

That is why, they want full control and refuse to see the concequences wich are following: The consumption of the natural recousers and everything else wich will eventually be our death.

The few who do see this have absolutly no power what so ever to actually aid Mother Nature.
Them hippies get shot at sight.
That's why I say, it is too late, go with the flow and enjoy the last "hours" we have on this planet. It are your last.

You shouldn't smoke. I hear it kills mice.

I hear being a little bitch is unhealthy for the lungs.
Severe damage could follow.

And you get AIDS or Cancer, what ever sooths you fags.



hey, whuttafuck. Where have you been man! :D Haven't heard from you like...since your 420 or Take On Me project!
I knew I forgot to check someone his user page '-_-

I actually read all of that.
I need a life.

I just talk about movies and music when im stoned, pretty sure i make sense too.

Yeah, you do. This little thing here proofed you need to get laid as well. I can help with that, you know. N wbend over little bitch.

And...you actually talk when you're stoned o_0
Another one!

nice stuff man..how do you bookmark??

I honestly have no idea.

This is what been bothering me as well, the fact that you can't keep an eye on certain news blogs, because I wish to check responds to my comments once in a while.

Bleugh, anyway, nice to hear that someone seems intrested in my blogs :D

Thx for he comment ^^

I luff you too <3

We all love me.

Now bow down as I will write my second blog.

Longer blog than all of mine combined.

I think. );

Haha, you haven't seen my others then.

Meh, I hope you read this...I'm gonna comment you....so, you'll notice this...

YESH. Also cocks.

This is a comment.

No wai.

Also: This is a response, not relevant at all.

This is also a comment.
HAI =3

HAI!1 SUP?$^ù:="ù'(çàç

And so on.... ^^

