Let me start by saying sorry for the late update. It kinda slipped my mind.
Rant start, scroll down for some more generalized philosophy
But, I just got into some sort of an argument with my mother, and I don't know if I'm feeling guilty or pissed of.
She is right in a way, but I don't know if I care about it.
I've had my speculations that mothers, well parents in general, are jalous.
Jalous of the fact that youth can waste their life by doing nothing important, and "sleep" their lives away.
But a talk with an elder made me think otherwise.
All the comments I get from my mother point out that she is indeed jalous. The fact that I don't have a job, sit infront of the computer and TV an entire day, don't do anything meaningfull with my life etc. while she has to work hard, has stress everyday and can't sleep out, wich I can.
Untill recently that sounded like the only logicall explanation. But a grandmother told that it's the fact that life speeds up when you get older and she sees me waisting my life wich makes her go crazy and forces me in doing something with my life.
Anyway, I'm sitting her, writing this in Word because she unplugged the cable, and I'm thinking, Is she right? Or should I not care? And I honestly don't know.
It's true, I don't do much for my little sister, but I'm tired of playing her father because I don't know how to.
I don't know how to entertain her 24/7, how to tell her she's doing something wrong (And I don't even know when she IS doing something wrong), or explain things to my mother when she made a mess. Because according to her, I need to watch out for my sister and not vice versa, and she never does anything wrong, because I'm responsible for her.
See what I mean?
I'm sick of being the helping hand in the house, I suck at it, I don't know how to do it, and I don't want to do it.
I want to be the irresponsible teenager who has nohing to worry about. Like all the rest of the younglings.
Rant over, start of philosophy
I think there is a certain point in life, where you forget about your youth days, and actually become and adult. Because the way I see my mother raising me is good, but sometimes I think "What the hell, did you forget about how it was when you where young?"
I think I mentioned her youth once, and then I got some reply about me changing the subject, and that that's not the point etc.
I could be wrong though.
Adults are strange in my opinion. The role models I have around me (family) aren't really what I wish to grow up in. They are greedy, selfish, and ignorant. Even stupid at times.
There are always movies, cartoons or stories in general about the fact that kids could rule the world better. Now, I personally don't buy that idea. Children lack the responsibility and life experience to actually be world leaders, they are too childish and playfull.
Think of it like this: "The moment a child replaces a President, it will be a world of chocolate"
Silly example, yes. But it shows my point better then anything. Don't take it too litterly 'kay?
But I do believe in the fact that kids aren't messed up by our current society. Their minds aren't filled with greedy thoughts, or consumed by the concept of money.
Which we all know ruined everything in our modern community.
Kids are quite pure and innocent. Cliché, but true.
I have nothing more to add.
Goodday, and as always, first five to comment get a comment on their blog.
Kids are not the future.
They are here, and they are the people of today.
You got it wrong.
They're here, and they're queer.
Oh, and kids are fucking spoiled these days, always get what they want.