I'm fucking sick of it.
The entertainment world has no more originality, nd I'm seriously pissed because of that.
I just got a little fanfic (Small writings by fans of a certain series of books) from a friend, and the topic was Harry Potter.
Okay, good books, he likes, I don't give a fuck. I hate them series. (I'll explain why, hold on)
Now it starts quit good, the writing is swell, the introduction is intruiging, but then it starts....
All the little elements from the HP world starts to come up.
The bus, the family which hates the main character, etc etc.
Okay, I discuss this with the author and it turns out that this is normal.
Yes, fanfic. I don't give a fuck....Okay, it's normal.
But then it got to me. It's everywhere. It's all around us.
Every fucking blockbuster which comes out, every book which is re-published, and re-published.
It's all the same. It isn't original anymore.
Well, you have the South Park theory that everything has been done already. Okay, good point. But still, is it that hard for people, who have studied for this profession, to come up with something new?
To find a story wich isn't based on a book based on a true event based on a game?
The best example is the Lord Of The Fucking Ring series.(not the "based on" thing, but the originality). It's a whole world wich was created along those books, and many people copied that world and placed fucked up characters" they made up" in that world.
Anyway, not just those genre of franchises.
Every movie.
The main trend in the Psychological Thrillers now is the term "Schyzophrenie" (am I saying that right? Shi-zo-phre-nia ?). Everything I see now, has a sudden twist of some murderer who has split personalities.
Okay, intruiging, quite hard to write something in that direction, but does it have to be in every fucking movie?
Seriously. It's just a quick fix now.
- "Uhm...we're stuck with our stories, what should we do now? hur hur hur?"
-"I GOT IT! Let's make him schizophrenic! YAAAAY!"
That's just wrong. Or if the writer doesn't have any inspiration, why doesn't he just read a book, and decides to make a film about that?
This is far out the worst of the worst.
Producing a movie which is based on a book.
I told my mate this and I'm going to tell you.
"A book is something personal, the characters are visionized by your idea, and yours alone. You read that book with your vision of it, your principels. The whole blockbuster idea takes that away, the whole art of writing just vanishes. Because, when you see that movie, you see it with the vision of the director.
Also, the entire hype which follows is just sad. Consumed by the masses. The esthetic value completly dissapears.
I proudly say that I never read the LotR books, and I did see the movies. Why? Because I refuse to read the books BECAUSE of the movie.
The writer is long dead so it's not like he looses money or something. (besides....I don't make a difference...durrrrr....^^)
Same goes with Harry Potter. I also refuse to se the 5th movie because of the hype. And the fact that it's impossible to cramp a 600+ page book into a 2 and a half hour movie and still get something good.
Now where was I ? Ow yes. Originality. Screw that! Personal issues now!
I'm pretty damn fucked up. Yesterday ranting about how I lack a girlfriend and how much I desire for one.
And now this very moment I wish to be gay (again..*sigh*).
Girls discust me, in every way. They are repulsive, ignorant, and hostile.
I think it has to do with my mother. Or not.
Anyway, I have an appointment with a female person tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. A bit nervous, haven't seen her face to face. Just online. But also...the fact that I'm meeting with a girl...FUCK NO!
I have no clue what is wrong with me. First I'm "depressed" because I don't get enough female affection, and then I just want to stay home, and be white 'n nerdy.
I think I need a psychologist for my mood swings.
Let me get into this.
An entire year spend with a girl, whom I could not have, but still so darn close. When I got smacked in the face with harsh reality I'd never get her, I decided to turn gay, just because I get sick of women.
After a while it gets to me this is too forced and get miserable again for not having a femal companion.
I find someone, kiss her, speculate I get rejected, and turn normal again. Not caring about the not-girlfriend-having, and just want to do what ever the fuck I want.
I could be I am a player, without knowing it. Or I'm just plain pathetic...wich is practicly the same.
So I'm gonna close of here, with the fact that I'm just plaing pathetic and will have a girlfriend eventually, but then brake up for some stupid reason and be pathetic again for a year.
The circle of life. YAAAAAAAAAAAY.
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But - it's just a fanfic- it's - well! Of course it has - I... I told you already why I wrote it, just because I was bored and it's easy to use a setting that's already been thought of, but to try and just make it original and not just knocking of everything someone has already done before. OKAY? HUH? PUNK?
....wow, that euh...that was pretty messed up.
Yes, you've proven ur pointzorz. Indeed fanfic, I don't give a fuck.
I HATE ERAGON, WHY DID I EVEN SAW IT? I have the blurst of friends.