I made a silly flash.
Better make a news post right?
You guys better go watch it. And if you end up here because of that silly catvideo. Well, that means you're a cool person and I like you.
Don't be afraid to add me on skype or msn if you wanna chat about cartoons or anime or whatever. I like that shit. Yeah.
It's best to add me on skype because msn can be kinda buggy with adding people. And if you REALLY want to add me on msn, PM me and we can work something out.
If you want to add me you better have giant boobies though. Otherwise there's going to be a problem.
I know it took me a while so here's number 2 from the countdown. Just let me know what you think and if you're going to comment some bull than don't bother.
<a href="http://kingboodaghost.newgrounds.com/news/post/727655">http://kingboodaghost.newgrounds.com/news/post /727655</a>