Ah, so many threads on the NG BBS about it. Believers convincing non believers and vice-versa.
I strongly support the Big Bang theory, but this doesn't make me a spiritual person.
I said it before and I'll say it again: I believe that religion offers some kind of hope to those who need it.
Okay, christianity has done terrible things in the past, but it is up to today the most common religion in the western society, so it's natural this is my main vision of spirituality. When someone says "God" I think of an old fuck with a big white beard, followed by some hippy with baggy clothes and wasted on wine. And holes at specific points in his body.
But when get more into it, I end up here "It's wrong according to religion A to believe in religion B" So I don't specify, I believe in a higher life form but not in religion A or B. Just a accepting all religions and when I die I'll see.
To me this sounds the best. I must add, I'm not feared by the idea of Hell, or some after life punishment, so it is not because of this that I globalize. It's the idea of being extremistic wich fears me.
The look of Hitlers face when doing his speaches, fears me. It scares me.
Thinking that Christians do the excact same thing is according to me wrong. It makes you nothing better than Hitler, or any other extremist.
Read a thread about a Christian trying to convince non-christians. See how he acts, "One God and nothing else". Is this the idea of "Spreading the so called word"? Fuck that, I'm going Buddhist then.
But still, I refuse to believe that we end our life and our awareness of life the moment we die and stop sending signals to our body.
I go insane when I try to imagine to be not aware of things. It is simply impossible for our brain to percept that.
Same with "Gods". I don't think that any of our religions we choose is the right one. I believe that the higher life form, is something which we can't imagine. Same with the existence of life, and our 3 (or four) dimensions. That there is, I think the sentence I'm looking for is "A greater Truth". i.e. : Birds can see colours which we can't. They see colours we can't even imagine. I believe it is the same with God, and the answer to life. The awnser is something we will never be able to come up with because our brain has a limit.
Something unrelated
It was evening.
The moon was high up there. I was wondering how I could get there, it seems better then down here.
It is something which always intruiged me. The moon. How can people not be fascinated by it.
It has this magnetic force, a force that makes you think, a force that lets you see how you really feel at that moment. No shallowness.
I remember the time I found a way to reach it. I remember it well. Yes, I've been there many times.
The road is hard, but pleasant. And how harder the road, how better the outcome.
I landed on the rough land, to see a vast land of emptyness. It was beautiful. It had complete peace, not fouled by the dirty hands of greedy men.
End of unrelated crap
That was pretty deep for a daily blog. Im catholic but I just believe in the foolproof theory of "God made everything" meaning I can take all sides of the argument. woo hoo.
It's not a daily blog, it's more a diary, write all the shit down which is on my mind so I don't bother my friends with it.
Or spam the BBS.
And, was it really that deep? Never realised I could go deeper then 2 feet.