PHEW man, the past few weeks have been hectic.
Two freelance gigs at the same time. Helping my mom move, which took 3 days because she has way too much stuff. Went to a concert. Taking care of 2 extra cats in my tiny studio (taking care of 3 cats is like taking care of a baby). Girlfriend starting her job and course.
This is more than I'm used to. Damn.
Anyway! For the people that read my comics, I'm sorry I haven't updated recentely but I uploaded two this time to make up for it. They're shaded this time, wooo!
I also updated my user icon and I really liked the outcome of it (yup, still purple!).
I'm also working on an animation, which I haven't had a lot of time for, but I picked it back up now seeing I got some free time again. I might make a little poster for it to give it a little teaser. SO LOOK FORWARD TO THAT SOON.
There was going to be more that I wanted to write here, but I didn't pre-write it like I ususally do. So it's just a little bit of blabbering.
Take care and untill next update!
Both super amaze. Also, dat current events comic 2 weeks after said events :P
I know man....feminism and gaming is a thing thats never going to die though, so I it's KIND OF