Oh hey its my second news post I'm making this year! Wow!
So as I mentioned last time I was lucky enough to get a job at a place that lets me use Adobe programs for their company which was super cool! Sadly enough they didn't know I have the power to bankrupt businesses and so I did.
I guess what I'm trying to say I've gotten my first real expierence as a graphic designer in a real work enviorment and I'm going to keep pursuing this career because I already muck around in these programs in my free time so it's time to get paid for it properly. Too bad I have to master After Effects and 3D now. Looks like I have a lot to catch up on!
My website is getting some revamping so check that out one of these days. I should really post the demo reel here so I'll go do that now.
There. That's done.
Now about the holiday! I went to Latvia for the third time, because my girlfriend started getting depressed from not seeing her family. And it was great, although a little short...
So we hitchiked from West Germany to Berlin, took the bus to Warsaw, Poland, and then kept hitchiking from there all the way to Riga, Latvia.
It was a great experience and only took about 3 days! We slept in tank stations and on the bus so it was very exhausting. Next time we're going to use Couch Surfing to make things a bit easier.
After all that we spent 8 days with her family and camped in this amazing natural reserve which has super serene scenery, but a lot of musquitos. My girlfriend was happy and I got see a very beautiful side of Europe. So win/win for everyone.
We then returned home the same way we came in; hitchiking and busses. Getting across the border into Belgium proved to be more difficult than I thought. Turns out Belgians aren't very friendly to hitchikers. We got picked up by a lively bunch of Iraqis which I found pretty ironic seeing they're not very liked by the Belgians. Because of immigration reasons I guess?
In the end I feel like I've grown as a person and feel that the challenge of finding a new job seems a little less scary this time!
Here are most of the pictures of the trip. Also here's a picture of what my google maps looks like now:

Heh. You're like me, broke still indulge oneself in stuff that costs
Hitchhiking is free so the only cost was food and drinks!