I like it.
Good animation and idea.
I wish I could see some more original super powers though.
Oh well.
Whats the song at the end? Or was it in the credits, because I might've missed that.
I like it.
Good animation and idea.
I wish I could see some more original super powers though.
Oh well.
Whats the song at the end? Or was it in the credits, because I might've missed that.
Control over hair isn't original?
The song is The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die.
I swear to god
When I was watching African Dudes, I felt like something was missing.
I watched it three times because I just couldnt put my finger on what was missing.
But I think you answered my question.
This was gold.
This is "GayForGirls" btw. IF YOU KNOW WHO I AM FROM STICKAM and such.
I always pronounce your name "the happy slappy" FOR SOME REASON.
Please have my babies.
Alright man.
This is even better
You're funny.
Please bite me so I get infected with your "funny" genes.
That was flippin' awesome.
I want to see more of this.
Spanish stoners
Oh yeah I love it already.
Add subs bro.
While your cinematography, animation and timing is near to perfect.
The lack of a preloader [which is the presentation of your artwork, and makes up for 50% of your final product] takes away A LOT of your content.
Fix that and you'll definitely get a high score/award/whatever.
Secondly. This is something I struggle with as well so I recognize it....
The lack of a coherent story.
The editing is badly done...It is a mush of scenes that are bound together by the same character.
The story is hard to grasp, and is kind of lame if you think of it.
Adding to it that it's nearly over a minute long and only contains a single flashback (and in total 3 scenes), can confuse the viewer.
I'm just saying this because your blur effects, awesome FbF work, feel for scenery and perfect sound effects to add to the emotion shows you have great knowledge.
And maybe you are aware of the things I pointed out, maybe not. Either way you're here to get reviewed and this is what I saw.
Also, I find that there's still room for improvement on your characters. They seem a bit too...."badly drawn" in contrast to your backgrounds/FBF work.
Anyway...I can keep on going for ever and ever but I'll just leave at this.
Imma check out what else you got.
Thanks for the feedback.
The animation had to be one minute long exactly, so fitting a deep and clever story was pretty much out of the question since I'm not a very good story teller.
This so
...makes me wanna play WindWaker all over again.
Loved it.
Wasn't really comprehensible.
But at least you made your own door. :3
After Effects?
I dont know what this is. But it's a bad attempt at a "design"-ish kind of animation thing.
Not even flash.
Whatever. I don't buy it. Any person with a bit of knowledge of after effects could do this easily.
Thanks for the comment....
With a little bit of knowledge people can do anything.
Its the fact that I actually did it that matters.
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06