Sticks are still awesome.
Needs moar sound effects.
Fix it.
Sticks are still awesome.
Needs moar sound effects.
Fix it.
Sticks are awesome.
But before you press play you can hear the walking sound thing.
Fix it.
Shit man
I saw this when the topic was created on the animation forums...And DANG...Turned out awesome...
I'm gonna try and figure out which one is yours. I got a hunch, but not sure.
ha, if you don't wana cheat, don't look at the credits.
Out of sync.
Fix that and it's god.
I can see how the overall public faps on this.
But I kinda don't like the animation and the art =/
I mean...The backgrounds and everything (like the railroad etc) are clearly just photographs rendered in PS and then you added the guy in Flash and stuff.
The only thing I liked was the voice acting and the music....
Okay...Yeah it's a nice message and everything....I read through the reviews a bit, saw one guy who said it's an overused one.
1 guy? I thought NG was full of hateful little fuckers who want to club seals...Now we get these pussies who fap on everything that SEEMS emotional and empathic and waddayamacall its.
Now I know I'm not the one to talk, since cleary I don't do your style. But still....I think this is kinda overrated. Art wise and everything.
I did dislike the ending tho =(
Should've been more, should've been something greater then just that one quote.
Maybe me some repent? Or ..OH I got it...How he lives this dreadfull life day after day, in some kind of montage....That would've been better.
With some of that good music playing.
So anyway. Good job, but overrated =(
I don't care bout the gfx.
This is awesome.
And sound.
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06