Wow, that's one hell of a Tv show
Sorry for the late review, but internetz was busted, i'm really surprised, NO, SHOCKED! i thought "oh Mike Swain, how do you do it, making so quik the newer episodes" but just 1 (2 if you count the pizza time episode==> love the six pack joke!) oh well a King must be respected, so i give the this crown, what ever that may look like....
it was quot good, short but good, the end was fabouleus, and the serious look he has, HAHA priceless, gotta get myself a discription on that, btw does channel four really has that stupid shows, or is that an imperfect perfectness (not sure if that was what you meant, DAMN YOU'RE VAGUE! ). The characters keep getting better and better drawn that's sure as hell (are you starting to get the hang of that drawing tablet, i guess you have....)But there isn't too much too say since it's a short without much reason, so I'M DYING TOO SEE THE NEXT! seriously i am, my fridge is empty....and i can't get away fromm my computer cause then i will miss your me....