these things i like
You gave this entry a 5!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!
i like these animations alot! really, these things give me alot of insparation! and the music was also great!
these things i like
You gave this entry a 5!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!
i like these animations alot! really, these things give me alot of insparation! and the music was also great!
yeah uhm, u know what, remake this, but with outstanding grahics,then it would be good! nice music, lovly little short, and nice ending, so graphics, thats all
when i rate a 5,it actually means a "?"
it's good, but try working on ur voice acting (it's not bad, but it could be improved) and the graphics, yeah that's a bugger, work on that too, for the rest, i like ur music and the story line, the walking of the characters is a bit off, but it's okay (chack the tutorials (unles u already did offcourse) there is one that helps u with "how to animate walking" sgood, keep going!
it's good for your 2nd flash, but, add a preloader and stream the audio and try working on ur lipsynching but u have humor inside u, so stick to it! that's all ican say
Those where some sweet graphics, so sweet that i don't believe u drew them, i mean, the shading, the characer itself, and the backgrounds being a it's really unrealistic, but hey, i like it, it was funny, and it had good graphics, so i don't care, BUT i would like a reply from you, saying it is, or it isn't your true artwork....
Wow, heh, I'm taking that as a great compliment, because knowing that this art is truly mine, helps. ;) Nonetheless, I guess you can always check out my SA account, which url is both posted in the submission's description and in my account, I've got more works there as well as illustrations, maybe they'll convince you enough.
can't be
Okay this clearly wasn't made in flash, this is too...too good, i mean didn't u use moho or something? i don't care if it wasn't made in flash, cause a good animation, is a good animation! this was even funny, tremendously funny, ow man that was great, i'm gonna give this a ten on everything just cause i like it
i like it, it's not long, but it's nice music, and a nice haiku, the drawings are also faboulus, but i wouldn't spend money in a light box, i think they are way too expensive,AND it's fine like this, this is how walt disney works(with some off the movies nowadays) this is original, the outcom that u get with a lightbox, is simulair, but this is better, in this way you can see it's hand drawn on paper and it may be blocky but it's more original, okay, i think i repaeted myself too much, i hope this was a usefull revieuw!
Your review was great and you didn't repeat yourself all that much.
I found a small (A5) lightbox for £20, so bought that. I should be able to actually do smoother stuff if I want now.
You're right though - normal sized lightboxes are way too dear.
Glad you liked it.
Stay funky!
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06