Yup. Thought it was worth making a post about it.
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
Posted by Soupcat - December 18th, 2012
I hope everyone saw my previous post about french animation because I made a new post.
Posted by Soupcat - October 10th, 2012
So recently a friend of mine showed me the finals of the french animation school GOBLINS, and I was blown away by what they came up with.
So thought I'd share their works with you people, maybe there's some of you who could get inspired by this.
The school is pretty well known for oozing out talent, maybe some of you remember this one?
Anyway, enough babbling, here's what they cooked up this year:
This next one is probably my favourite, simply because of it's concept. It's amazing how I could relate and wish to come up with a similar concept like this one day.
This last one has to be the best one out of all of them I think. The whole sci-fi theme must be very appealing to this crowd.
Here's a link to their channel, they have some other awesome stuff as well.
Posted by Soupcat - October 1st, 2012
Hey guys, long time no real talk.
For the last couple of years I've been posting meaningless one liners, I guess it's because I failed to see the use in these news posts anymore.
I kept waiting to get like a front page post ability. But that never happened. Oh well maybe one day.
Never really got a lot of response out of these things. So whatever, maybe I'll start using it as my blog again. I remember when they first implemented these blogs and I'd rant about whatever came to mind.
But after all these years, this was the only place that really gave feedback about the things I wrote. It wasn't deviantart or facebook or twitter.
It was here all along.
Posted by Soupcat - June 18th, 2012
I made a silly flash.
Better make a news post right?
You guys better go watch it. And if you end up here because of that silly catvideo. Well, that means you're a cool person and I like you.
Don't be afraid to add me on skype or msn if you wanna chat about cartoons or anime or whatever. I like that shit. Yeah.
It's best to add me on skype because msn can be kinda buggy with adding people. And if you REALLY want to add me on msn, PM me and we can work something out.
If you want to add me you better have giant boobies though. Otherwise there's going to be a problem.