blank post
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
Posted by Soupcat - October 24th, 2010
So what is this thing we call life anyway?
I'm sorry for my lack of proper choice of words, and incoherent grammar but I've been having a very inconsistent sleeping schedule the past weekend. So anything that follows here is just a rambling of a very sleep deprived 20 year old geek with absolutely no motivation to do anything.
So let me give you the story in gray and white and black. Portray you the situation.
No I won't overwhelm you with a massive amount of orange links; nor will I give you boring updates about projects I work on.
What you are going to get is a shit-load of sentences ending in paragraphs.
Like this.
Jumping a line down after every sentence. Why? Because it makes me feel comfortable in how I write.
Yes I know I won't get not as much readers as I used to. So what I write is pretty irrelevant to what the audience enjoys reading.
Now lets get to the story I want to tell.
Anyone who signed up before '07 will remember that day when they implemented the User pages and where everyone went haywire and started reading what everyone wrote.
So much shit that was spouted at that period.
Golden shit as it may.
You didn't even have to be a well respected animator or contributor to the site to get a frontpage news post!
It was glorious.
Then things went back to his original state and things calmed down. We are now in the year 2008 going on the year 2009.
The awesome series is now a full blown meme. Madness day was greater then it will ever be. First tank awards arrived and so on.
It was the start of a new era for Newgrounds.
And with the start of every new era, the vibe that comes right before the uprising of this era has such a huge impact on those few people that are a part of it. Something that the people who are born in this new founded era will never feel.
Yes it is more then just an update.
Was the start of the new millennium just an update of the roman calendar? No. It was a feeling we all felt.
We felt fear for change; but also excitement for new discoveries.
So what is my point in all the shit you might have managed to get through?
My point is that times have changed so much from the start of the internet; In the field of entertainment that all the content put up now gets drowned in the flood of massiveness.
Admins now resort to their users to help them find "gems". Which is an impossible task, because of the wide variety in opinions.
Now while I feel like closing this off without proof reading it; I will continue with my current situation. Which was the plan all along.
My current weekend plan was to get completely closed off from society and lock myself up.
Cellphone. Off.
Door. Locked.
Friends. Far away.
Fridge. Stacked.
After days of no sleep and lack of decent hardware to keep up with my habits I arrived on a conclusion that the revolution we are going towards will all be focused on technological advancements. [DUR]
And anyone who is unable to follow this will feel lonely and left out. They will feel as an outcast and resort to artistic mediums to define themselves.
Don't follow the zombies.
Zombies will be replaced by robots. Thank you Chris for telling me this.
To avoid being replaced by a robot, you need to develop a skill that no robot will be able to do.
Develop creativity.
Creativity to create and destroy. Creativity to think beyond others thought. Go out your boundaries and be someone more then you are.
Be special. Be someone. Get noticed. Start a riot. On or offline. Doesn't matter because the revolution will be find in both realms until they collide in an enormous explosion of frustration and depression.
People will loose themselves.
My structure in sentences is getting less readable.
I have disregarded all my rules of building up something. Just in the hope to get people to read these things by taking an impulse act of writing here and so ending my weekend with no interaction with society.
That was a long sentence.
I say to you goodnight. Maybe see you people in Dublin. Hopefully I will find some self respect to refrain from being a social human being, and suppress everything so I can find words like I just put down here to not come out of my fingertips, but out of my mouth.
For once, hopefully say something intelligent. And not stupid.
Posted by Soupcat - August 10th, 2010
I need to make a new post that relates to London meet up.
But I don't have time to make anything decent. So instead I'll give you a funny picture of Wonchop.
Posted by Soupcat - July 10th, 2010
While I'm working on my next animation, I will pleasure you with this story.
Because I can.
I decided to take a stop at the grocery store for some breakfast [I just love breakfast] to start my day.
And what do I see at the register? A very hot individual.
A girl on top of that.
I was totally mesmerized by this little girl.
She was just over my age I guessed
While standing in line for my little breakfast I was about to buy, I kept staring and more and more I got mesmerized
But what happened then I would never expect to see another day
The very attractive young lady needed to go to the back of the store for a minute because she was confused about a certain thing in her register.
Obviously she was working there during her summer vacation I guessed in my mind.
So the woman walks pass me and the people in line.
I by pure force of nature decided to look at her behind because after working with guys for over a month, who ALL are looking and chatting about attractive girls, I got the same feel of instinct
And what I saw was a behind close to naked.
She was woring a see thourgh piece of clothing wich made it available for young lust fellows like myself to see everything [including a tatoo if I'm not mistaken]
I was dazzled
I was in love
And a young lad next to me had the exact same idea.
He was on the same eye view as I was and we looked at each other, with the same surpirsed look on our face.
This man was much older then me. He was more advanced on the female field.
He started a communication going like
"Did you just see what I think I just saw?"
I replied with a very assuring "Yes. Yes I did. That is an attractive cashier"
The man then had his primal instincts coming up.
He continued the conversation with a "Wait...I have a plan"
When the poor girl returned, the man was filled with testosteron and said "Could I get a pack of cigarettes please...from the BUTTOM?"
And he pointed at what he wanted
The little girl questioned with "These brand sir?" and bended over. Very aware of her exposed behind.
Because she was so aware of this. She did not turn to bend over. She merely twisted a 30 degrees to reach for the cigarettes.
The man didn't give up and said "And another pack of THOSE" pointing at the far buttom side way on across.
The, in the meanwhile very aware of her situation, lady. Went through her knees to grab the cigarettes.
Meanwhile I was giggling like a little school girl.
And poked the guy saying he was exagerating.
The man paid for his cigarettes, winked at me and left.
I paid for my little breakfast and took a good last look at her....Knowing my day has got a kick start in the good direction
But Damien has a plan.
Damien is planning on going there for a couple of days in the morning, every day before work. To see what her schedule is.
See if I can strike up a conversation about this event.
Maybe even get a date out of this.
Included a picture of what I'm currently animating.
Posted by Soupcat - February 18th, 2010
Hi people!
Everyone who comes here is a witness of a redesign of my userpage.
It used to be all about durgz and whatnot, but seeing as I stopped doing the reefer ='( I made some new shit to put up here.
I decided to also host up a website. It's not really good or anything, but it'll be done in a day or two, so feel free to visit it sooner or later after this post was made.
Im just putting this here in case that you come here when it is up and running. Im working HARD (hmmmm) on it. So it'll change from hour to hour.
Im thinking of picking writing back up, since it is really revealing to me, so whatever will come on the website will also be written here?
So yah...HAVE FUN!
Attached is a screen shot of what is in the portal.
Posted by Soupcat - February 3rd, 2008
It's official.
I decided to make a My Newgrounds. TacticalShoe voiced the audio because I lack talent.
Crank the volume, and tell me what you think.
Posted by Soupcat - December 27th, 2007
The website of cockjokes is no more.
That's one, seriously, I thought, okay, but no...
(Also, I got an uncensored version if you'd like.)
And what the fuck am I doing wrong? Seriously!
Do the mods gossip about me or something? DO THEY THINK THIS IS FUNNY? NO BACKSEAT MODDING? THIS IS A LIKE ANY OTHER "The difference between "you're" and & "your" THREA JACKASSES. Seriously.
Now, my animations.
°This is just something I want to do some day.
There is this song from a Belgium group which I just adore and it inspired me (I get this alot actually), and I ned you guys motivation for keeping this in mind, and finishing this!
(Ask me for a download if you wish. Sorry for a YouTube, don't know any decent upload sites.)
°I got a little image which shows exactly what I got on my mind.
The first one is for "a short animation", I need some help on that qua storyboarding. PM me if you wish to participate.
The second one is a "My Newgrounds" animation (MyNewgrounds). I could use some help with that for the voice acting. Although I have some canditates, I could use every help, including ideas.
So choose, which should I finish first?