
Soupcat @Soupcat

Age 34, Male

Antwerp - Belgium

Joined on 3/12/06

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Soupcat's News

Posted by Soupcat - October 29th, 2007

So, I decided to take a different turn.

From now on this will be used as it should, for keeping my "fans" up to date. Not that I have any.
New aura, new sig, new header, new avater, and well...new mentality.

Next animation: <Untitled> (I take requests for titles)
Genre: Comedy - Random

Help? Yes please. I need some voice actors, and people who have some nice ideas.

PM me if you wish to aid me in my next animation.

Anyway, here's my new sig: (I will post a screenshot of the animation sooner or later)

My animatorship awaits.

Posted by Soupcat - October 18th, 2007

Haha, frontpage...I guess this will attract more people. Not that it's nexessary.

So, I started the run time for the meet up . Official date ==> 24th - 26th of March and it looks like more people are interested then expected. I'm getting a little scared.

Why? Because this is the first time in my life I get a big responsibillity, luckily I got some people backing me up and helping me (I hope).
But still, anyone wants to be in this 24/7 with me, just give me a buzz.

Also, older people are showing intrest. 18+ Boys and girls wish to participate, but are scared because of the age gap.
Then we have the whole staying at my house thing. People are scaring me with their "Your parents wouldn't approve"
Meh, when I talked this over with her it was all "Fine"

In conclusion, things are looking good, people are intersted, and I'm scared.

I'm off to post in the thread. People with intrest, PM at will.
Things are explained in the thread though.

Posted by Soupcat - October 14th, 2007


Fuck em, non-litterly.

I don't know why I nagged for a year that I lacked one.

Never get a girlfriend, seriosuly, it sucks the gay right out of Liberaces anus.

Posted by Soupcat - October 9th, 2007

What do you people do when you feel alone?

I started smoking. But that turned out miserably when my mom found out a couple of minutes ago.

And NG can't give me that warm feeling like it used to.

And I miss my girlfriend.

Posted by Soupcat - September 30th, 2007

I've learned something today.
Well, just now actually.

You can rant, think, philosophy all you want, it doesn't really matter. There's too much to think about.

It never ends.

And why even bother actually, you may touch a couple of people, you may enlightem a few, but it stays with that.
You don't make any big changes.

And why think about something which is always in progress? Life itself never stops, so why stop to think about something?

No. Life is all about evolution, the facts are here (Sorry christians). We see children growing up every day, you see trees getting taller by the minute, don't tell me things don't evolve.

So, it has no need. Life goes on.
You may think about it for a split second, but it's best not too, it only holds you back, and doesn't take you forword.

Off course, an occasional moment of philosophy never harmed anyone. ^^

Lots of love and kisses,

Posted by Soupcat - September 18th, 2007

I'm seriously tired of people who complain about everything, seriously.
Yes, I could go the hypocritical way here again, but I'm not talking about the people who make intelligent, nicely filled, good of content, rants.

No, the people who have something to say about everything. Every-fucking-thing.
If it lives, it needs to be complained about, if it has a fucking shadow, "Oh for fucks sake, it has a shadow! Lets complain about its shadow!"

It's like emos. Constantly nagging "I'm sick, I've got a bad hair day" AAARGH, STOP IT!
Or my mother "You always have to complain about everything, can't you just shut the fuck up and let me eat in peace" While having a complete day of solomness, and having to deal without me.
This dude in my class has to complain about every assignment we get. UGH.

People with a general negative attidute, attract negativity. People who are generally negative, PISS ME OFF.
I'm always the enthousiastic, cheerfull, funny, smiling guy. AND I'M HAPPY.
And no, my caps lock button isn't broken, STOP COMPLAINING.
Everything I do around here in the house, gets a remark, obviously [being the smart ass teenager I am] I contra-remark, leaving me with a pissed off mother.

Then, ego.

My years of being humiliated, insulted, and burned made a nice guy out of me.
It made me a charming young man, with a big smile. Why? Because my ego was so low, I had no options.
The past year has giving me an ego boost which resulted in making a dick out of me.
I don't like being a dick. I like laughing, but...for some reason Iaugh with everything which has a shadow.... :/
It's really not fun anymore, I don't get it, why do I contintue this?
Is this some form of defense mechanisme? Is it a form of humor? I dunno.....
I'm going to be the nice charming guy as I used to be, I'll shut someones face when they piss me off, or when they're trying to insult me, but no more random insults.
It is bad karma.
Don't get your ego boosted, be the loser, and you'l lbe nice.

And last but not least, immaturity.

Fucking hell, I know life. I know the drills, I'm fucking smart as hell. I don't need some pissed of teenager with a bad hair day, and a too big ego to tell me I'm immature.
Fuck no.

Look, here's the deal. I'm mature when I need to. For the rest, I enjoy life, enjoy my youth, and get a good lulz out of it.
Being a sinical fucktard, with nothing better to do then having a sour face and think everything is too immature isn't living okay?
Life's a joke, and then you die.
First, read a book, then, watch South Park and actually think about it, and not how Cartman farted, THEN call me immature.
For holy fucking fucks, when I act mature and get my knowledge out, trying to have a decent conversation, people still complain? What the fuck is happening here?
*Smashes keyboard out of frustration*

Fuck off.
All of you fucktards whoems ego is too big, have to complaing about the littelst shit, or who think everything and everyone is immature except thereselfs.
Go fuck a pig.

Posted by Soupcat - September 12th, 2007


Fahrenheit 9/11 was broadcast today, in memory of september 11th. I saw it before, YouTube I think, and well, it gets to me everytime.

Families ruined, a nation gone to hell, corruption all around us. Well, the documentary ended with war being a normal state of event, and that it's part of our current society.
Biggest excuse on the planet. Things go wrong? Blame society.
Hasen't south park tought us anything? You can always blame anything, but to fix something, you need to change yourself.

Anyway, I got in a talk with my mom, and she explained to me a decent theory on how to end all this crap.
It resembles the Global Warming plan, but different goals.
To place it simple; An occurence that has gone to far needs to be broken down to zero, before you can fix it.
She suggested that the economy, social structure and society itself, just needed to be shut down. Pull the plug and make the world stop turning for a certain amount of time.
Create an artificial depression and get rid of social and financial status.
The money which is held over after the sht down, can be used to create a new society, a better one [Utopia wise].

But, this is nearly impossible. It is impossible actually. No majority would agree with this plan.
But, if there is one thing Hollywood has told me, it's that you can't change the world in one day, you have to do it one small step at the time.
So, you start with small activists, change peoples mentality.
Try to create a betetr enviroment, and then start big.
Then go to the White House and nuke 'em all.

Long story short: Pay it Forward.
Be a good person, create a mentality which will affect your life positive.
There is no standard guideline, only the one which your own brain creates.
Forget media, forget governement, forget school. Look at your life so far, and what you've learned.
That's all you need to know.

Do this and life will get better. For everyone.

Posted by Soupcat - September 11th, 2007


All my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks that they're here to stay.

Could it be that a person is able to fake love?
Is it possible you'll never love a person in your life just because you know it's all false, and you're not ready for it, and you think you'll never be?
Is it possible that someone is a liar from the moment they're bron? And that everything they do is just complete shallowness?
That they fuck everyone over just because they don't know how to figure out how their own minds work?

Do those people actually exist? Or, are we all like this? Have we gone so far in society, that nothing is real anymore?
That everything we do is just a brainwashed event triggered by a media, governement or supirior power?
And could it be possible that there are a few, maybe me included, who stand outside this world of shallowness? Who see the world in a totally different way, who actually have common sense?

Is this the world we live in?
Is this going to get worse?
Have we gone to far?

Posted by Soupcat - September 11th, 2007

Go on cocksuckers, request a rant.

Posted by Soupcat - September 9th, 2007


Last night.

I was at a part, and well, I met a girl.

Now she's 3 years younger then me, is this considerd immoral? I like her, alot. She likes me too, and I heard from other people that age really doesn't matter. I read a thread about it, and well, there where some people with experience saying that it's okay.

But in the long run, the age will make a barrier, exampe: Adulthood comes first at one, sex, mentality, etc.

Anyway, I don't care, I like a girl and she likes me. First time in a year that this occured.

I'm so happy.

Oh yeah, and people who play yugioh with those big things from the series in real life at an old age are cocksucking buttfuckers and should die.

<3 Purpin