I'm happy.
Age 34, Male
Antwerp - Belgium
Joined on 3/12/06
Posted by Soupcat - September 5th, 2007
First week of school eh.
I don't think it was that bad for anyone? I'm in a class with 31.
But I guess that doesn't really matter.
I just got the greatest compliment, and it got me thinking. Sawke told me she liked me because I "don't focuse on one thing I spread around and like some but not all."
That gave me that gooey feeling inside me. A real compliment, one that I always wanted to hear, one that I always people found out about me, one I wouldn't have to tell them.
But then, my biggest mistake in the girl race told me that if I where less of a nerd (Meaning I needed to be off NG for a while) she'd probably be with me.
But, I may talk alot about NG, and act a bit nerdy, but for the rest, I'm not that much of a geek.
Why would she say such a thing? Is that really that much of a deal, and, am Ireally that deep in NG?
I don't get it.
I'm in the same class as her this year, the class will get split up ni October though.
Meh, if she didn't had a boyfriend....I'd be so happy right now.
My world would be perfect I think.
But that whole thing, oh boy. Never felt worse then today, because she keeps asking for my attention, but I don't want to be around her that much, I want to be seperated, and not think about her.
The whole summer vacation was without her, I was so happy I couldn't believe it.
Now school starts, and the whole thing starts over again.
I feel so shit.
And with that it's impossible for me to find a girl, because when I get close, she gets quite possesive [I think, this could be pure imaginable], and asks for more attention.
Yet, she doesn't want to be with me.
And I keep thinking that one day she'll say she "wants me back" , and what Iwould do.
But frankly, this is and will stay fiction. She only wants me for the attention. And for my good hart.
Fuck her, she's a bitch. She's a big fat stupid slut, who can't controll her hormones.
I don't hneed her, fuck her, if she complains, then she'll complain.
Find another slave. I'm not here for you anymore.
I bet I can find some guts depe inside me, and actually try with one of the new pretty girls in my class.
Yes, I'll do that. Tomorrow I'll say "Sorry, no" And just turn around!
[Also, sorry, I don't replied, commented back etc, but I've been really distracted, and my mind is at zero]
Posted by Soupcat - September 3rd, 2007
You know what pisses me off?
A certain quality of nerds, which piss of all people with the bit of common sense.
Fanboys, <insert brand here> haters, ass licking cocksuckers, overall.
The noobs among gaming.
The people who spit on the term "Gamer". Nerds who can't go beyond their little tiny piece of machinery, and think they "own" everybody.
Let me tell them something. Those people will get shot in the face and then ass raped by some donkeys.
Yes, donkeys.
My personal opinion about the whole gaming area, filled with crap everyone knows :
I consider myself a God among gamers. With the few others who actually think about what they are playing.
Unfortunatly, my gaming abilities could never expand because I lack the money.
I simply wasn't rich enough like all you fucking snobs, who think they rule the world, but go to sleep every night thinking "Am I sure I am loved by anyone?".
So, I sticked to Nintendo. They practicly invented console gaming, and they sure are probably the most well known, succesfol company in the gaming industry.
Pure speculation, but what the hell.
Therefor I could easly make arguments towards other brands, and why Nintendo "ownz" their asses. All the other brands did was making a bad name for gaming.
That is all.
But hey, I love the PS3. It is an awesome piece of technology, and it sure as hell is sexy. This is where Nintendo went wrong, they where talking about "expanding their gaming costumers, for every age" but they forgot one age. My age. The 14-19 year old teenagers who actually have nothing to do with their lives, and are filled with hormones, and ready to explode.
What do we get? Zelda, Fucking failed shoot 'em ups, and miserable "party games".
No, Nintendo, you only get me for the price and Zelda. Fuck you. Lousy Japs.
Oh, but the XBox, now there we have outstanding marketing.
Nothing to complain about them, seriously, they are the top of the gamers. But because of the money issue I can't choose that way. It's sad.
End of bullcrap
Now, because everything has it's pros and cons we can conclude that there is no better out of the three major consoles.
Now, why the fanboyism? Is it seriously that important to have a label? Yes, Nintendo has shit games and kiddy shit. So fucking what? What are you going to do about it, complain some more?
Neih, just say "Hey, I'm a gamer, I respect everything what is related to the gaming industry"
Fini. That's it.
No, teenagers still have that urge inside them, that pathetic, sad urge that says "You must be in some group, you must have a cover over you to hide who you really are, you must fit in, even if it is geeky shit, fit in!"
Every fanboy, labeled, stereotyped teenager lacks confidence, common sense and a brain. Or, is completly shallow.
These people need to be excluded out of my life.
Too bad this would leave me with no social contact. Fun eh?
So, I'll take the easy way out, and be nothing I listed above, but will still hang out with...listed above.
Sad, but true.
Now, this takes me to another subject. The term "Noob" "Nub" "n00b" or "Newbie".
A newbie is understandable, it is indeed a serious bussiness to point out someone isn't fameliar with a teritory and must be guided or insulted because of that.
Yes, it is a must. Why? Because we are bored. That's why.
Noob is more "intelligent" way of calling one a failure. Just look at the spelling. It's almost perfect.
But it most certainly isn't. According to me, a person who uses this term has no clue what so ever what he/she is dealing with.
It hides [again] behind this barrier of arrogance and mockery. Only to show a true weakness, he or she is instable and has a easy to broose ego.
Confront these people in practice and they will fall ever so easily.
But now. The most dispicable, the retarded forms of them all.
Nub and n00b.
Using this "dialect" shows one is retarded.
People using these terms will also use them in massive amounts. In unnecessary situations.
Because of the over-use, it looses it's value very quickly.
Because of the bad timing, they can be flamed at every second.
What you do with these peoples. You simply challenge them to "own" you, and beat the crap out of them.
It isn't hard, it doesn't take alot of time and it is sure as hell so fucking hilarious to see their pissed of face when giving them a 10th headshot in a row.
I fucking own you all. Give me a console, and I will own all of your nubs asses in no time fucking retards in a game of Halo on the XBox the most bitchest console ever made.
(Oh, it's ever so fun to be a fanboy. INNIT?
Posted by Soupcat - September 1st, 2007
How is it possible I can write so much bull crap, because of one little parapgraph?
Seriously, anwser me.
At 9/1/07 5:46 AM, Elmykun wrote:
You're right, I don't take this seriously because you're making a big deal about it. I got my fun out of it. One little comment on your beloved page set you off like a bomb. I got the desired reaction out of you. I really don't care what you have to say. Oh wait, your country has a King? LMFAO. And no you don't have a good education. Because one, you misspelled like 5 words, and two you didn't know there is a word processor to fix your mistakes. Yeah, you have a "great" education. And to be honest, who uses the net to learn at 16. [Rhetorical Question.] It means you don't answer it. (Just in case you didn't know, which I hardly think you do.) Yeah, anyway. You can keep replying to my messages if it makes you feel better, but I'm done with you.
No, you don't take it seriously. Off course you don't, that's why you try to pull of a big move and make an "intelligent" reply.
That's just making an idiot out of yourself. Great I didn't have to do anything.
So, it's your "desire" to get this reaction out of me? The reaction I make everytime some shitface comes along and tries to be a "big man". Wow, that's pretty pathetic. Trolling blogs [which are obviously full of shit all the time] starting a fight. Oh wow, I guess your life is so meaningfull now. Wow, you really are an enlighted person. Yes, you are the biggest egocentric, racist, ass fucking piece of shit I've ever seen.
This "big deal" and being set off like a "bomb" is mear a figment of your own little imagination. You deeply want me to be pissed off so much that your brain just makes you believe I am. You are believing your own lies, and soon, you'll suffer deeply from it, I bet you do even at this very moment.
So, you think that a King is more ridiculous then a President with no experience, no common sense, is only in for the money, and doesn't care about democracy.
Yes, that is indeed very amusing. Why do you people keep wondering that your country is going corrupt?
Haha, no. Our country is at the top of the UN. The top of the EU and is one of the richest and most prosperious countries in the world.
We have an excellent king and governement.
Now, about our education. The fact that you pointed out I was right about you not caring gives me the power to speculate and be right about anything I think about your personality.
Your mentality is sick, sad and only. You will die alone, without anyone close to you. You may think you have a "wife" or "friends" but in the end, they all dispise you. They hide their true emotions from you. They think you are trash, and you nkow it. You are the lowest in the foodchain.
Food for us. Energy for the people who are filled with welth and happyness. You crawl behind your PC with the idea of having the world on your feet, let me tell you something. You have nothing.
You have nobody. You jerk off making you feel better, but it all means shit, it all doesn't matter, because you are alone in your mind and alone in your enviroment.
Basing an education on one man is ignorant, retarded and oh so sad.
I have studied your education because my parents want the best for me, and I now know that the American schools are one of the worst in the economicly active world.
Making 5 spelling mistakes in a language which isn't even your own is acutally outstanding. I make more mistakes in my own language.
This more a compliment then anything else. Also, lets not forget about typos. Everyone makes typos and so do I.
I won't be pointing out your grammar mistakes [which are far worse then typos-spelling mistakes] because that would be just "bad ass" and not relevant.
So, you asume I have no knowledge on a word porcessor who points out my spelling errors? You asume I don't know that FireFox has this power? Or that I can copy paste it into word and get the errors out?
What does that even have to relate to education? This must seriously be a joke. Using a computer to point our your flaws and mistakes.
If this would apply to everything the world would be doomed in less then two months.
And with doomed I mean economical crash, social brakedown and serious chaos.
Now, being the genius you are, you clearly must be aware of the fact that a rhetorical question isn't only a question which shouldn't be anwsered, but it is also used to create an effect leading into a debate.
So, therefor I'm allowed to take your argument, and counter act on it.
Let's see, using the net to learn. Now, because knowledge isn't something to stamp an age on we can conclude that the age of 16 doesn't have restrictions of gathering knoweldge.
And that the internet is nothing more then an virtual library with all the information of the world, and a way to exchange infromation we can say that your argument is invalid because.
Net [even at 16] = used for gathering knowledge.
You can't asume anything for my point of view. You can't speculate that I "feel better" with replying, or that this makes me happy because you are an ignorant idiot.
I on the other have been proven right by you, so I can say that you feel deelpy attacked, and is being placed in an akward position and are going to tell me to stop it, because you an't find any decent arguments.
Isn't that fun? Doesn't this make you happy? "Pissing people off" and starting a flame war over a PM system. A flame war where you are obviously loosing and being pointed out wrong time after time?
Yes, it is.
Now, I'm not done with you. No not yet. You ma ysay you are, but that makes you fail at so many levels. Giving up is what will be your choice of lifestyle. This will be fun for you.
Keep dreaming my man, you'll see the light soon.
Posted by Soupcat - August 30th, 2007
Oh boy.
Teenagers. What the fuck.... It's always the same, there is always this thing they do to get some sort of attention.
They don't care if it's negative or positive, as long as they get attention, they feel happy.
Is there really so little to do in their sad little lives?
I'm mostly talking about the emo stereotypes. They fucking bug me as hell. They complain about the littlest things. But it's not just them, every fucking teenager actually.
Serioulsy, I don't get it anymore, they lie about their home situation, they immediatly complain when the smallest of things happens, they always need to be "different" and "hardcore" etc.
I'm so fucking sick of it, Iget pissed when someone starts yapping.
People complain about being bored all the time. On MSN or fucks sake? What the fuck? If you're bored then get off the fucking computer and stop bothering me.
Others in school, they say "Oh my god I'm such a whore" Oh my god I drank so much last night"
I can't stress this enough; They. Get. Me. Pissed.
Argh, what the fuck! How about you shut your trap and do something usefull with your time! I KNOW, SLIT YOUR WRISTS! THAT WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING!
No it doesn't, nor does complaining.
If you hate the world so much, do something about it. Oh no, you could be busy, and not be bored anymore.
Or constantly saying how miserable your life is because of your parents, that's something I also don't get.
Your parents? YOUR FUCKING PARENTS?! What about benig an understanding kid for once? MAYBE THAT'LL CHANGE SOME THINGS!
Also, the image of being rebelious and different. Seriously, it's been done.It has failed.
Getting into a fight with the teacher seems to make you feel like a big man, eh? Or going all gothic makes you different.
SO IS THE REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD! Be different by being un-different please. But then again, everyone will do that, no. Please, go back to your miserable life and try to be different.
This rant is over. You cockbags better agree with me.
(Lol, hypocricy. Seeking attention by complaining about attention.
Posted by Soupcat - August 29th, 2007
Ever felt alone?
Ever felt like everyone who loves you, just gave up on you? Just like that?
Ever had so many people around you, and then realise, it's all just fake?
Society these days is nothing more then a big, fat, shallow lie.
It's all just money, social status and appearance. Sure some say they're deeply in love with other people, or that they don't care about money etc, and that they really want their loved ones to be happy.
But in the long run, it's all ust a lie.
A big, unconscious, lie.
Our instincts haven't changed, we're all the same primitive apes as thousands of years ago.
Ever heard of the saying "You can take the lion out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the lion" ?
Well, same with human kind. Almost an eternity of evolution [in the running], and still the same egotistic, mass murdering beasts.
So, keeping all that in mind. What does that say about us?
That it doesn't mather how badly you think you care about someone, the day you'll have a dilemma, you'll always pick out the decision which will fill your needs.
The egocentric dicision. Even though it could ruin lives, or take lives.
Yes I'm quite extremistic, but think about it. The worst case you have. Your deeply beloved Mr. President.
The man, George W. Bush himself.
I don't know much about his onvolvings in the army, but I do know his appearance in the interviews, his last words on the war, wherever it is, HIS mentality.
Makes me believe he's in it because of daddy, and daddy wants money. So does sonny boy.
Where is all teh moenyz one might ask? Ah, I know. THEM MUSLIMS! They have al lthe money don't they? Lets shoot them, kill some muslims and ruin their lives [notice my reference] to get to their oil.
This is all just biased talk, but I do believe he isn't mister perfect.
My whole point is, trust no one.
Trust nothing.
Trust nobody.
Because it's all a lie.
I've been fucked over a couple of times, and this time, I'm through with it.
I don't want to get rejected anymore. Don't want a failed friendship, girlfriend, nothing.
I'm fed up with it.
If you want to be with me, fine, but first show me who you are. I know this is hypocrit because I myself am one of the biggest liars in the animal kingdom, but that doesn't mean anyone else has to.
Oh well.My ego has rised like hell this summer vacation, and it still is at it's highest peak, but it's so fragile.
Everytime things happen that normally would give it a little flesh wound just knocks me off my statue.
It's a pain, this is why Inever really cared about my appearences. You can't go any lower then low.
This does cause depression and suicidal ideas. Oh, you take the good with the bad?
I don't know.
All I know is that I hate responsibilty, and would like to leave my adulthood as far as possible.
Although, being mature etc does sound appealing.
Posted by Soupcat - August 27th, 2007
Oh no, the twin towers have collapsed!
About 6 years ago that is.
So, the government blew up their most beloved towers to show their power eh?
Hm, sounds pretty intelligent too me. Okay, conspiracies, let me give you my piece of mind.
I really think that all those people telling you it's a conspiracy, are actually conspiracies themselves. The government likes to control people by the means of fear no? Then what is better then a public who fear their own government?
I'll tell you what, thinking that the government is making you scared by letting you think they are making conspiracies about conspiries that reveolve around 9/11.
It won't take long untill everything you see is just a major cover up.
The real truth can't be told, it can only be realized.
-Director of ZeitGeist. [A must see]
But this doesn't mean you should ignore everything that revolves around you and go hippy. No, you can choose a path.
You can choose the path of believing your own truth and try not to live in fear.
Or, you can live in fear.
It is all a matter of common sense in the end, as I stated before on how you can achieve happyness, it is something you do with one small step at the time.
Now, the cover up stories. Why does one think of it? Why does one want to give fear to the people?
Is it money? Is it power?
I believe it's both.
No, I know it's both. This whole blog is based on the movie I linked to earlier, it has some strange things, but in the lnog run, the message is clear.
The governmgovernmentent is just coresponding with the Church and high names.
They controll the stock market and they controll our very lives.
That is the truth, it won't be long untill they control every induvidual.
So, untill that day comes, I'll just, pay my bills, do my laundry and go to school.
When the power of love overcomese the love of power,
the world will know peace.
-Jimi Hendrix
On another hand, my request of the day:
People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar
Requester: Sawke
People fear the unknown. That's how the government controlls us. They say some bearded guy in the hills is throwing bombs at us.
What the fuck, I prefer the spaghettie monster theory.
That is all.
Lotsa love, hugs and kisses.
Posted by Soupcat - August 25th, 2007
Parents these days are overprotective.
IThis is the second time I'm encountering this.
This is no fucking joke, this is a big pain in the ass and should stop immediatly.
What the fuck? Girls aren't allowed to go out anymore, they aren't allowed to sleep over, they can't do this, and can't do that.
I'm fucking pissed about this, you honestly think that controlling your daughter like fucking Hitler is going to help at all? You think that the chances of rape/kidnap will be reduced? On the contrary.
Girls who get locked inside will be more rebels, they'll go goth/emo and start doing drugs like there's no tomorrow.
I have actual proof of this.
Parents: Shut the fuck up and get looser.
M ymother is the best parent in the world, she gives me as much freedom as I need, she's strict, but she's fair. She has common sense and is intelligent as the almighty Chosen one.
I get to do everything I want, and I don't use that freedom. Sad no? I get all this freedom, while others have arguments like hell to get a tenth of what I have.
Parents are hypocrits, one by one, except my mother and parents who resemble mine.
They say it's bad to do all these things while they where once young themselves and experimented with god knows what.
Parents who limiting their kids freedom are idiotic, they know well enough that nothing bad can happen if you guide your children, but they refuse to, they're so insecure about parenting they do what the media tells them to.
My mother and I have a great relation, I can tell her anything and I do this. I do some weed occasionally, and she knows this. Okay, this is not the best habit, but at least I don't exagerate and at least I'm not lying to my mother.
Maybe I started with this weed thing because of my mother, yes, but I rather have this life, then lving a scared life, living in ignorance.
People always say that it's best to experience somethuing yourself, well I don't believe that taking away a childs freedom you'll give them experience they need in the real world.
Those parents are idiotic. Who here saw South Park the movie? Raise your hand, don' t be shy.
Get my drift?
Parents are so smug with themselves and think they always have the last word because they are older, and well, they always will if they keep protecting "their baby" because they're not getting that life experience.
Oh, hey, did I forgot to mention that if you will keep this up, you'll end up with Dr. Phil? Yeah, great isn't it?!
Remember Dr. Phil? You know him right? Well, sometimes he gets these guests who are in heavy conflift with their parents because they got them broke.
Hmm, I wonder..."protecting you baby" .... "not giving life experience" ...IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE KID DOESNT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE REAL LIFE?
It's like not giving an allowance. The kid doesn't know how to use money and will end up broke when it grows up.
I get all this freedom, but it all means fucking shit. It's like having so many toys, but no one to share it with.
What's the use. After a while I just stopped, I locked myself in my room. Went NG on everything and turned into a nerd.
I could've been the party animal and go out every week, but parents of today have made me anti-social.
Thanks alot fuckfucks. I fucking hate you.
Next time I encounter such a parent in fist distance, I'll fucking fist them.
Note to all parents: Fucking stop it.
Posted by Soupcat - August 23rd, 2007
Fuck it.
I quit.
Life sucks anyway, I don't achieve anything by making philosophy, Ineed to ask for requests now? What the fuck!
I've written everything down that was on my mind, I'm using this for personal blogging from now. I'll still do it everyday, but not philosophy. I'm empty, I think I overestimated myself.
Anyway, what the crap? Girls? They suck. Like life, and everything.
Seriously, they never know what they want, they play with guys feelings and they think they can get more priveliges then men without doing anything?!
Fuck that shit. complained about girls many times, even went gay, but that failed.
I always come crawling back to them, it seems that I'm not ale to live without them.
All my life living with females have made me like this. It's sad.
But good in a way, because guys aren't that great either, but girls are far out worse. Fucking feminists.
They think they can be all equally but when they get into a fight they play little victim.
Damn that, oh well, I guess life sucks eh?
And I'm using this blog for a shout to Sawke.
I'm sorry my princess
I'm done. I've had, you'll never see me doing clever things again.
Posted by Soupcat - August 22nd, 2007
I started thinking about this because [A)I had too; and B)] the girl who is responsible for all of my negative experiences with the female race, well..most of them, had a little chat with me on MSN involving how happy she'd be when school starts again and how we'll see each other again. But when she left, she ended with "Ilikeyou" [freely translated/ she left out the spaces between eachword].
Now, I responded quite normally with the hole "ignorance" attitude, and replied with "Same here"(doing the, "Ilike you as a friend thing). But it started eating on me, how should I've taken this? Just as a friend? Or as something more?
Now, we have some kind of a history, so the latter would be possible, I surly hope it is, but to avoid depressions and misunderstandings I'm going with the former.
This got me thinking, how does the mind work?
How is it possible that a guy sees a hint in everything a woman does, and how come that girls tend to have a bad idea of friendship with the oposite sex?
Girls always tend to complain that guys only think about sex, and they do? They just want to have sex, they want to score, hitting the sac, grooving the love boat, shagging the leg!
It is not possible to have a friendship with the guy without him not considering to have sex. (that's alot of negative forms..translation: The guy wants sex, even if friendship, only age is an exception).
Guys are idiots. A girl ask them to borrow a pencil and they immediatly think they're going to score that night.
Men are fucked up, they think with their dicks and that dick makes things up and creates ideas to give the man the illusion he needs to do "a move".
This is very helpful in reproduction off course, the man thinks he can put his penis in the vagina hole so he's going for it. But times have changed.
These days girls are insecure, they want a gay friend to talk to and that's it. They aren't ready mentally and think sex is a holy thing. Guys are to oretarded to figure this out and keep making the same mistake over and over again, and brake their hart, over....and over again.
Our minds are one of the most complicated things on this planet, we can examine, study and place logic in almost everything, besides our very minds.
How are supposed to explore and understand other extraterrestrial life forms if we can't even understand our own.
Now another thing, Madness Day is coming up and I'm planning to particpate.
For all you intrested out there, here's a little preview.