
Soupcat @Soupcat

Age 34, Male

Antwerp - Belgium

Joined on 3/12/06

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Soupcat's News

Posted by Soupcat - August 19th, 2007

So, this internet fad we had for many many years is quite the trend no?

My personal idea of porn isn't very deep, it's here for me when I need it, and that's it.
But I think there is alot more to it then they want us to know.

Okay that's complete crap but you always have these fucktards who say they don't watch porn.
I go "Bullshit, you aint a man, go into your closet and get your moms clothes out of there you fucking tranny"
Guys who say that porn is fun to watch because of the "dialogues" are fucking pussies. They just want to get laid, and be polite about it.
And the thing I even hate more are women who say that it's mature and actually believe this crap.

What is the big deal with liking porn? It's here, it's all over the internet, it's in every fucking PG13 movie. Men think with their cock, and guys who tell you to do otherwise think with it even more.
There are many studies, hard facts, and data that men wabt nothing more but satisfaction, the satisfactory of sex.
Men are pigs and animals, face it.
And not a single man will be with a women who wants sex every night their entire life, so the urge for some porn is perfectly normal.
Most men wank the canoli every night (I know I do). Anyway it's not that fantasy isn't enough, most of the time it is.
But tell me honestly, do you want to make up a fantasy every night without it getting repetetive or getting tired of making one up?

I know I don't. Porn is easy and fast. You google, you click you jerk, end of story.
I even think it's a positive thing, as long as you don't exaggerate off couse.
Some guys get annoying when they're horny, they tend to constantly bug girls with sexsist remarks.
Men, when you feel these urges, and you know the girl won't like it, just watch some porn and jerk off, problem solved and no one gets hurt.

Off course the bad side about porn is that it influences teenagers view on sex. And on relations etc.
And it makes ugly old men go perv on you.

So it's wise to watch porn with a very shallow eye, and don't get to deep into it. Use it to get rid of your boner, and nothing more.
Don't pay for it, don't spend hours in front it, and don't, for fucks sake, TALK ABOUT IT.
Just make it something of your personal life. End
I hate guys telling me how they found a good porn website. Online is okay, not IRL. That's discusting.

Idea and concept: Gizem Guller

I still take requests and everyone who comments gets a comment back from me.

[Edit: People who commented my previous blogs, just scroll through them, I replied.]

Posted by Soupcat - August 16th, 2007

So, I got a request about love by our famous ChaiLatte.
Subject: Love.
So I started thinking, what is love, and how important is it in our modern society.

Love, is actually just a switch we make in our brain which can be resembled with "Lust". It's a state of mind to inhance reproduction.
When having sex with a person you "love", chemicals are being produced which are addictive. More addictive then cocaine. This makes us crave for our partner when not around. This is the truth behind love.
But this can go much further.

These days love is more a negative issue then a positive one. So many people are getting stood up, cheated on and lied to.
Why is this? How come that people are afraid to commit themselves to a person?
I never believed in blaming anything, but I still stand by the fact the the media has a big role in all the negativity, because of their big influence on humanity.
My personal view of it goes a little like this: Love is a chemistry, two different substanses are getting mixed when love comes into your life. You, and a person who you wish to be your partner. Who you are attracted to. But chemistry can be very dangerous, take an example of a bad relationship, then you have two substances who provoce explosions when mixed. Or a relation where everything is a utopia; Two substances who create a marvelous blend. Some sort of margarita.

But off course we have different kind of loves. The one I've been discussing so far, is the one where you are in love with a person. Sexual attractions.
But then we have the other kind of love. The one where you care about some. When you think that that person plays a vital role in your life, and it would be hard to imagine a life without that person.
That's called, loving someone.
Now I don't how this works scientifically, but I can take a guess.
(Off course, rationalizing everything isn't a very intelligent habit. But to understand certain aspects, this is a must.
Human kind is very instable, we are a race which can be whiped out easly, so to be sure our kind exists, we need to look out for each other. This situation was the same since the dawn of man kind.
So therefor we developed a certain emotion, an emotion which makes us do things we normally wouldn't do. An emotion which stimulates the adrenaline, and takes away your moral boundries and makes you forget every rule you've been tought.

The emotion love ^^

Therefor we can conlude that this "loving someone" is all just an ancient event which occurs to make sure our kind survives.
But why is it so intense then?
Maybe because we are at the end of our existence?
Maybe because we've become more intelligent and aware of our environment?

I don't know.
All I know is that I love my sister, and that I would do anything for her if she was in trouble.

This is the only thing I know about true love.
All the rest is pure shallowness and the lust for sex. In other words: Hormones.
And I doubt that any of you 16 year olds (or surrounding) know more about it.
We're all just realizing how we can have sexual intercourse in a somwhat decent way, and I don't think that the media has done anything positive to make those experiences more pleasant.
The stress these days we have about sex is really unnecessary.
Boys pushing it, girls being not ready for it.
Think about it women, you're having your period, you're getting boobs and your hips are expanding....you're honestly not going to fool me by telling me you're not ready.

Boys, be a bit compasionate. Girls are having troubles neough with their appearance (media again). They are scared and insecure, give them a rest will you?
The moment all the guys will stop being so pushy about it, the sex will come much more easly. Trust me.

Now, how come we can be so depressed, fucked up and hurt about being dumped?
When a druggie suddenly hears his daily load has been canceled because the cops had a razzia and confiscated everything, how will he react? First he'll flip out. Then he won't know what to do, and after not too long he'll search for another connection.
This is what we do. Well, what we do if the relationship we where in was purly based on the lust part.
The sex that is. We'll search for another partner.
But what if that same druggie found out that his dearly beloved drugs is of the market? And can never be found again?
Well, I don't know, you tell me, I aint a druggie.
All I know for the love part about it, is that it's damn hard to get over it. This is the more intenser love we have. That feeling of being loved, and to love that suddenly dissapears isn't very easly replaced.

All I know is, love hurts. And you can't hurry it.
If you have it, be happy, if you don't. Don't get depressed about it.

For ChaiLatte.

Ow, and how was Clockday everyone? I had a fucking blast! First time I participated and submitted something! ^^


Posted by Soupcat - August 15th, 2007

Back Whenever

Closed ForClockDay 2007

Posted by Soupcat - August 14th, 2007

(Sorry all you non flemish users, for once, I'm going to forget about you guys)

Oke, fuck de rant voor vandaag, ik ga deze frontpage gebruiken voor mijn mede vlamingen!

Alleman, ik heb zitte plannen met Casualty en we gaan een meet up doen in Antwerpen.
Ik weet niet wie, hoe of wat, maar we gaan het doen.

Ik ben van plan om een thread te starten op in General en zo nog wat volk te trekken.
Maar voor alleer dat gebeurt, zou ik willen weten wie er liever zou willen plannen, ik ben niet zo graag de persoon die de leiding heeft ^^

Maar dus, iedere belg die dit leest commente maar!
Het moet niet per se in Antwerpen zijn, maar dat is wat ik verkies =p

Ok, mensen.


Posted by Soupcat - August 12th, 2007

"Don't believe me, listen to me. Don't believe yourself, listen to yourself. Don't believe anyone. Listen to them."

Everyone sees the world with their own ideas, with their own truth about it. We all have different thoughts about the world, because of our own experience.
You need to listen to their ideas, and take the things out of there which are important, and usefull for you.

Because of our own perspectives of the world, we need to be realistic about opinions. We need to control our minds, we need to tame it. Your mind is a wild horse, and if you don't tame it, the horse takes you to where he wants to go.
If you are able to control it, you will lead a happy life, a life which you chose.
Only then can you find inner peace.

"It's not the goal that counts, but the road you walk on."

Why does everyone follows this rat race? Why? "Oh I need to be succesfull, I need to be rich" No. This is not good.
It seems today that everyone only cares about the goal you achieve. It doesn't matter how you get there, or what you need to do for it, if gain experience out of it or not, they just want to get there.
But, then I say, it's the road you walk on, the experience you gain during that time while getting to that goal which is vital.
Only then can you actually be happy, and at peace when you achive your goal.
People who just accomplish something but do not care if they learned something or not, will always ask for more. They select a goal, may it be money or career, it doesn't matter. Once they get to that status, they just want more, or just want to be higher. But the thing is, there is no ultimate status.
You can't be the richest, or you can't be the best in something.
Doesn't matter how good you are, there will always be a million people better then you. Therefor, be happy with what you achieve or have. Because if you are, your life wil lbe fuller, and richer then anybody else who keep trying to get somewhere.
This doesn't mean you should stop giving yourself goals, no this means, have a goal, but be happy about what you have now.
The luggage you got from achieving this goal mentaly (By learning of your mistakes, or got to know a certain way of life) will make you far more happier then people who keep thinking they aren't happy with what they have, or think others can do it better etc.

Everything you do in your life has an outcome, has an effect and this is something which you need to think about when making certain choices. Don't be fooled by religion. They seem to feed you with the idea that a certain god intends things these way, and has a magic finger and will make your life like heaven if you follow simple things. No, nothing comes on it's own. You can rely on it for it's hope, but everything needs action. Prairs won't make you rich. Prairs won't give your job back. No it's the things you do which matters.
Sure, they seem promising, and you tend to be fooled by it because f certain events who look like an act of a higher being. But still everything which happens in your life, is because of certain things you or a third party provoced.
Your boss didn't get a snap at a certain moment to fire you because god thinks he should. No because the business is losing money, and they need to fire people.
Or because you didn't do your job right. Don't blame a god for everything bad happens in your life, and then say to yourself you did a good job because very good things happen in your life. This is just sliding down your responsibility.

"The moment you ask yourself if you're happy, you're not."

Your current situation is just a reflection of acts you did in the past, so to have a better future. You need to act now.
You are living now, and not in another time zone. Sure you can plan things, what you're need to buy at the grocery, what you're going to do today, planning a trip or use the past to learn from their mistakes.
But at certain moments, you need to stop, and remember yourself, you're living now.
People who forget the present, forget who they are. People who don't know who they are, will get miserable. But the knowledge isn't per se a key to happyness, it's the understanding of this knowledge, and the wisdom you have which make you enlightend.
Take this for an exampe; Your mother always tells you that honesty is the best policy, you go "yeah mom, sure"
But it's not because you know this, that you understand it. You accept it, but you don't know why. This leaves frustration in the long run. So, therefor you need to examine things you learn, you need to accept certain things which are, according to you, immoral, and understand it. Only then you will be in peace with yourself, your decisions, and your life.


(I have little comment about this, nor do I wish to add anything. I prefer the reader letting this sink in and think about it. I must say, for copyright reasons, quoted parts and examples aren't mine. This is litterly taken out of a script. Everything else is based on referred script, and somewhat placed in my own words. Trying to make it more understandable. First five to comment, get a comment back, and I still take requests)

Posted by Soupcat - August 11th, 2007

So, my daily blog. I think I'm loosing my awesome writingz.
I need a good subject, to rant or philosophize about. I want you people to give me ideas.

Let's make this a new competition. I rant/philosophy and you people comment about it, and in the comment include a topic you wish me to write about.

Seriously, I can write about everything, as long if it's discussable.

Go nuts people, let your ideas flow.

Now, I'm going to use this as my diery for the moment.
I recently saw a documentary on Nat Geo about the laws of attraction. Couples.
And it showed why couples cheat.
They spoke of three stages how couples fall in love. The first one is the lust, the need for sex. Then you have the commitment, the hardest fase. It's the part of the relation when you start disliking each other, and you don't have that need to spent every moment with each other.
Some people overpower these moments and enter the next fase, but most don't, and brake up.

I'm sick of it, first five to comment get a comment back + I'm taking requests now. ^^

Posted by Soupcat - August 10th, 2007

I had quite a sensation just now.

So, it was my mothers birthday, and off course I boozed.
For some reason I had really crazy ideas for topics, replies and news posts (when I came home that was, at the party everything was swell).
I even thought about how bad beer was and etcetera.

Man this was a fucked up feeling.
I'm not going to write about specific thoughts I had, because when you're drunk, you can't go into details much without making no sense at all. It's mentally impossible.

And I forget everything now, I really hoped I'd remember everything but I seriously lost it. I was thinking the whole time 'Man, I wish I will remember this in the morning" ... turns out I couldn't even make it till 3 AM.
Sucks. So now I'm without insperation, without ideas, and without motivation, but I promised myself, and you, that I'd make a news post everyday.
Fucking hell, what the fuck am I saying? Okay, the only moral I can remember is, wine = big nono.

Normaly I can drink like, 10-15 beers and be a bit loaded without any side affects (hangovers, head aches loosing balance etc...well the last one I do tend to loose when high....that's fucking hilarious)
But, tonight I drunk like, 7 beers combined with glasses of wine (don't know how much....I lost count after 3...I was bored) and I got home...sat myself in the couch and turned on the TV. After a while my head begins to hurt, and then it begins to hurt like hell. I got a head ache, man that was fucking annoying.
And the worst part is, I was babysitting my sister. Jezus fucking fuck.
Oh well it's over now, so that's okay. (I bet it had to do with the fact that I didn't eat anything besides a bowl of soup, and sum breadz).

Meh, it's all over now, let m ehit the sac and see what I wrote in the moring and thinkg "What happened to my grammar? :O"

I tend to do stuff to check if I get better in something while drunk/high. Man, I did some things I aren't proud of.

Peace out ya'll. Lova ya.

(wait whut?)

Posted by Soupcat - August 9th, 2007

Okay fucktards. I'm fucking sick of these wannabe philosophic questions.
The one that started this is:

"What came first? The chicken, or the egg?"

Fuck that people.
Let me tell you something, philosophy has basic rules. I don't know them, but I can make some up.
Philosophic questions shouldn't have the most obvious anwsers. In this case (let me just straighten it out for all you shitcocks).
The chicken came to existence because of evolution.

Now okay, I get there is a whole background behind that question. But my entire life I had to hear the same phrase over and over again.
"But to have a chicken, you need an egg" and that's usually where the paradox came in. They just repeated that. Nothing more, nothing less.

The actual concept of that question is to solve the question of life.
Now here we have true philosophy. The meaning of life.
But off course wannabe philosophers take this the wrong way and ramble on about it for hours and thinkin they're philosophying (I'm misspelling that, aren't I? And I'm using that word too much, no?)

Anyway, the true meaning of this, is the paradox you create when you are looking for the "thing" which created life.
Because, the most common thing you think of, is that everything has a beginning. So, the creator of life must have had a beginning as well, but what created that beginning, and so fort.

Now here is where te religion comes in, in my opnion. I do support the Big Bang theory, but still, our brains aren't capable of understanding everything in this universe. So (I'm repeating myself here a bit) give spirituality a chance.

Then another thing.
By having sex with that girl a couple of days ago, I was reminded of how it was like to love and be loved.
This was a bit tortuous. That image kept haunting my mind, and made me feel a bit bad about myself.
Makes me feel alone sometimes, but off course, I have good ol' NG to cheer me up :D(and our deerly beloved Sawke).
But off course there are always things from our society which reminds me of it(movies is a nice example). These one night stands things aren't really that healthy. I rather have a person who I can go everyday to, who I can call and know she'd be happy to hear my voice.
Oh well, I guess I just have to wait.

Thanks people, peace out and First five to comment get a comment back from me. (Not you GayForFags)

Posted by Soupcat - August 8th, 2007

Okay, from now on back to business.
I didn't update my blog every day anymore. But from now on, NO MORE LAGS! EVERYDAY I TELLZ YA!


Okay, this is going to be short, I'm not at a friend so...

Fucking hell, I was always not really living and others where. (drinking, partying, drugs) And untill recently this changed. I came out more etc.
But then the people who did live their life in the fullest at an early age, are now seeing the bad side of it, they're "cutting back"
And where does that leave me? No where, I have to rely on those few people, or the younger ones who know shit about life, and are retarded as fuck.

What the fuck is happening with the kids? Seriously, boozing and weed at fourteen? God no, that's rong, IT'S WRONG MAN!

Oh well I guess that's life. But still, life's a joke, and then you die.

Peace out, tomorrow a decent rant, a bit longer, and a bit more intense.

Everone who comments, gets a comment back on their own blog ;)


Posted by Soupcat - August 6th, 2007

Okay, I think my prevoius blog has gotten enuff comments.
No phone numbers though.

Now, what the fuck is up with girls?!
Lemme tell ya a little storeh.

So, I get to know this chick via a friend of mine (female) on MSN. We cammed, we talked, and we laughed. Never saw her up till yesterday.
She says there's this street fest in her street, and that I don't know what I'm missing.
I off course invite myself over and huppa, I got myself a little date.
Now, I arrive at the bus stop, and wait for her, and when she gets there, I don't see a girl, but a fucking whale.
Seriously, she was fucking fat. This may be fucking shallow, but I don't care. Fat = fat. There is no politcal correctness about it.
(She wasn't realy that fat but just....she was a bit heavy, and it startled me a bit...)

Anyway, I think "Hm, okay, maybe she has some friends at the party", but no. No friends, no noting.
But then it came, she said the marvalous words "You can drink all you want for free".
And I was like...what the fuck women....fucking yes!
So, okay, I had my reason to stay.

The evening continues, and it's fun. The weather is good, we talked a little bit, get to know each other a bit better, drank, smoked a bong.
Yeah it was nice.
Later we watched a movie, and at a certain point, we started kissing. I wasn't really thinking at the that time so I wasn't like "what the fuck am I doing"
I kinda expected it I think, because, well, when we were at her room before, we kinda like "flirted". Fysical contacts, teasing, you know. The whole deal.

But then, her mother comes in, and her sister, and her brother. And we were like "Oh fuck" and pretended like nothing happend, and continued watching the movie (It was Goldmember btw, fucking kick ass movie ^^). Her relatives stayed with us for like, the rest of the evening, and I was still waiting for a fuck, I mean. Kissing leads to fucking.
But that point didn't came untill 2 in the night when I couldn't get a bus back home.
I hate her mother.
Meh, they went to bed eventually, and we started to get busy.

First some more kissing, and then we started riding up to each other, we humped and humped. Faster and harder. She started pressing her vaginal parts against my pelvis area which made me came. It wasn't intense or anything, but it was good enough.
Then she started to get all fucked up. She started pressing harder and harded, I was going faster and faster, I was thinking "When is this fucking bitch going to come?!" She started shaking, and slowed down in a matter of seconds. Finally!
Then kissed some more.
Then I propose "Let's go upstairs", because that's where the condoms are. nd she says "kay" but we don't leave, we still continue kissing, and humping.
My cock gets weak at a certain point and she notices this, and then she goes into my pants, and starts yanking on it like there is no tomorrow! Fucking hell I thought she was going to rip off my most manly parts of my body!
I tell her to calm down a bit, and relax, which she does luckly. But still no sweet love making in her pussy. "Darn it" I thought.

Oh well, we also went up stairs eventually, and crawled in bed. Nothing happend, she dozed of in matter of seconds.
There I was, in a bed with a girl who had the most humangous tits and ass I've ever seen. (well not really, but you get my drift)
After a while, I fell asleep myself and enjoyed the sweet rest in a comfy bed.

Whenk I wake up I have this major hard on. Like not normal, I think "Hmm, some morning lovin' would be nice" and wait till she gets awake.
I feel a small kiss on my cheeck and look up. She was awake.

Okay good. That's one, now the second phase.
We started spooning. Good, good I thought.
I kissed her in her neck, and started rubbing her leg, she was enjoying that. "Is she? Is she in the mood? I think with all seriousness.
I start going down in her undies but she halts me. Okay, I stop. Then we start kissing and I climb on top of her (that was one hell of a task, I'm still tired). Then, it began.
We fucked, but, hell. How.
Again, we start with the humping, then I get a condom, slide it on, get in bed, and fucked her.
She took her time again, I was already exhausted, and she was still on top of coming.
Or, I was doing something wrong, or she has too much fat over her clit.
(okay, that was harsh, I'm sorry)
Anyway, I think it was fifteen minutes or half an hour 'till se came, but it was a good run.

She showerd, I stayed in bed, she came back, woke me, I showered, and left on homewards.

Good advice: Never fuck a fat chick, I don't hae much expierence with fucking girls, but this is what I know up till now.

Funny thing is, I never loved her. I didn't have feelings for her, and I'm afraid I never will.
I'm a bad man, and I need to be punished.

Tell me NG, how is the best way to tell her this was a one time thing? Because, from my point of view....She was fucking all over me....I couldn't get my logic around it, but there it was, she likes me.

Sorry girl, I don't think it's meant to be.

PS: Good morning NG ! :D

Worst. Fuck. Ever.